-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: Creating, Naming And Submitting A Vpatch ]::.. [ Date: 2020.02.12 ] [ Version: 0.0.5 ] [ Author: mod6 [R.01] ] Introduction]: Vpatches are created and maintained with `V'. Since its inception in 2015, there have been a variety of implementations of V software. This document will focus on utilizing diana_coman's [R.02] `Starter V (version 2)' [R.03] [R.04] for creating, naming, and submitting a vpatch. 0x00] Creating the Patch: With all of the signed vpatches from The Bitcoin Foundation applied via `V', follow these next steps to copy over the `pressed' source so you can make the changes for your patch (in directory `b') and then output the vpatch of the changes with `vdiff'. mkdir -p a b cp -pr bitcoin a && cp -pr bitcoin b Now that you have the patched source copied into ``a'' and ``b'': cd b Now, make your changes to the code as necessary in directory `b'. NOTE: No PGP clearsigned material in vpatches. Also, no '--- ' or '+++ ' as the first four characters of any line. You have been warned! [R.05]. 0x01] Naming and Numbering the Vpatch: Once the code changes are complete, create a vdiff of the changes: vdiff a b > patchname.vpatch [ Example ]: vdiff a b > mod6_fix_dumpblock_params.vpatch 0x02] Signing the Patch: The Bitcoin Foundation requires that you use a PGP Detached Signature to sign your vpatch file. Sign the vpatch as follows with strict adherence to the nomenclature: gpg --armor --output .vpatch..sig \ --detach-sig .vpatch [ Example ]: gpg --armor --output mod6_fix_dumpblock_params.vpatch.mod6.sig \ --detach-sig mod6_fix_dumpblock_params.vpatch 0x03] Submitting the Patch Create a blog article with your vpatch along with your signature of the vpatch. [ References ]: [R.01]: 027A 8D7C 0FB8 A166 4372 0F40 7217 05A8 B71E ADAF [R.02]: E72D CCB7 3A5E 0669 4C5C D781 D519 6EE6 390F 999E [R.03]: http://ossasepia.com/vpatches/starter_v_2.tar.gz [R.04]: http://ossasepia.com/vpatches/starter_v_2.tar.gz.diana_coman.sig [R.05]: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-07#1747850 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJeWqN0AAoJEHIXBai3Hq2vs0MP/31STKVfePRzYzon8ZYQn9eZ oCH0NgzqgNJJAEeJEStugDTog99WJBnrELLB8Slz+MQr7YVfnGVdaZkdKKCJtc5L yWsk0y0q3+g1JGNlh8bD0s1MOhqoyO1+RU38p+RTqenNuLK3zq6wcAwjb+qgrfC8 oKi6r781aGbjF4HjSomErnCnTa4fIghD4baRYY89LvXgQidz0qNLNTXSuCa5HGAb lYCyzrdgY6YpEUx020guYLW1D1bH+0Z6t4x9oq+OD3/htRy70ouBSPO4TR+JXSd0 RK8rqbOZ5SLgceXPbaIe+B1F5rgUSbQhB8xTD2f4rkMB92KFWr1B7qpcR/nKWCzC MYJShYk+z54tzTmOnhyah307yyuNR9UU4cJF2/hvXze0mkLsSf1PdNwV2TuMig8P QTwN0oGVArtu7zX6FIglonFQJsSSxgHaaOufTeh5lDAtKVrikEgeoiuBSNlpbLSt pigtHyyzZaeDpM6SK6Ak4qHOm8eua2lcNUkiC0Ktrs4ACyydrpsblnK2qTqJsGoE e/XuC+tGg6AQ6YEpEBXrysIAbNeDCCC1aoGPnCn/t6TZeH/EG6Z5Kfxuq/7wPelH U8SpAvzlkB08aTVF+4y4bhu3ewvGetZQurdDy1c1IM8VHOavzo/PxA9M8yVornOa CbXHqjxt40r5yeGuXe1r =DVcM -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----