
Hic inserere motto genesis

March 10, 2020 — shinohai

This is a genesis vpatch for a bash script that takes all the functions of asciilifeform's lamport parachute and combines them into a single script for personal use.


Press using a keccak vtron of choice. Here I am using esthlos-v:

`v press lam-par.genesis.kv.vpatch lam-par/`

Change to the output directory, make the script executable, and run it:

lam-par # ./ --help

    --mkpriv     Generate a private key
    --priv2pub   Generate a public key from a private key
-s, --sign       Sign a message using your public key
-v, --verify     Verify a signed message using a public key

See for more details

Tags: News, Cryptography, UNIX