smalpest-95K quickstart guide
I am doing some experiments with jonsykkel's smalpest on some Android devices, and whipped up this post in case my memory fails me as I attempt to run this on yet another smol device. I will update with the termux build instructions for android below.
Start your smalpest instance inside a GNU screen instance:
screen -S smalpest -dm /usr/sbin/smalpest -u $USER -p $PASS -i 6697 -q 7778
Now connect to localhost:6697 from your irc client, and you can populate a pestnet wot:
Add a handle for PEER:
Then add a KEY for PEER:
Update the AT (Address Table) for PEER:
Start chatting and see if you appear in the bitdash logs.
Termux build instructions:
Building awt's akris pestnet client on Gentoo
awt recently released a new station and client library dubbed "akris" for use with the pestnet protocol. Detailed instructions for installing it using various methods are detailed on alethepedia, but here I am documenting how I built on Gentoo in a virtual environment using Python 3.11 and esthlos-v.
I started by creating the python virtual environment in my /devel/ directory, making sure I specified my py interpreter since akris-desktop requires Python >= 3.11. Then we switch to the newly created directory and activate the venv.
python3.11 -m venv pest
cd pest/ && source bin/activate
Now we make a directory for akris and grab the vpatches and seals:
mkdir -p akris && cd $_
mkdir -p patches/ seals/ wot/
wget -P patches/
wget -P seals/
wget -O wot/thimbrion.asc
After obtaining the needed ingredients, we can now press using V:
v press akris-genesis-99999.vpatch .
When the press completes successfully, we can install the akris station library to our venv using pip:
pip install -e .
Now we can move back to the root 'pest' directory and make a new directory to install the desktop components in:
cd ~/devel/pest
mkdir -p gui && cd $_
mkdir -p patches/ seals/ wot/
Grab the patches and seals much like we did above for the station library:
wget -P patches/
wget -P seals/
wget -O wot/thimbrion.asc
Press it, again using `V`:
v press akris-desktop-genesis-99999 .
akris-desktop requires tk, so you might need to install it from portage:
emerge -av dev-python/tk
Once that completes, you will have to manually install icons and imagery for the gui client, since `vdiff` does not handle binary files:
cd akris-desktop/
Verify the signatures before untarring, because you aren't a heathen:
gpg-1.4.10 --verify images.tar.gz.thimbronion.sig images.tar.gz
gpg: Signature made Tue Jul 25 10:54:59 2023 EDT
gpg: using RSA key 0xB16136257FB8FBDD
gpg: Good signature from "Thimbronion
Now we have verified sigs, decompress and clean up:
tar zxf images.tar.gz
rm -f images.tar.gz images.tar.gz.thimbronion.sig
Then install akris-desktop using pip:
cd ..
pip install -e .
Now we're almost done. Go back to the root pest directory:
cd ~/devel/pest
Create a little start script called "start-gui" for ease of use containing the following:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
python gui/bin/
Now you can easily start your pest station and client from the virtual environment by running `./start-gui`. If all goes well, you'll be greeted with a screen like this:

For more information, visit alethepedia: akris and akris-desktop.
Suckless st regrind
This is just a redo of the original st vpatch with a tweak that allows drawing of images directly to the terminal. Much like the patch listed in the st FAQ this version does not cancel double-buffering, thereby doing away with the flickering that I observed when I first tried this. While not perfect, it does render images well with w3m for me, and by abusing the w3m image display doubles as a simple image viewer with a little bash-foo. Here's how you do that:
#!/bin/bash if [ -z $1 ]; then echo echo "USAGE: timg" echo exit 0; fi W3MIMGDISPLAY="/usr/local/bin/w3mimgdisplay" FILENAME=$1 FONTH=14 FONTW=8 COLUMNS=`tput cols` LINES=`tput lines` read width height <<< `echo -e "5;$FILENAME" | $W3MIMGDISPLAY` max_width=$(($FONTW * $COLUMNS)) max_height=$(($FONTH * $(($LINES - 2)))) if test $width -gt $max_width; then height=$(($height * $max_width / $width)) width=$max_width fi if test $height -gt $max_height; then width=$(($width * $max_height / $height)) height=$max_height fi w3m_command="0;1;0;0;$width;$height;;;;;$FILENAME\n4;\n3;" tput cup $(($height/$FONTH)) 0 echo -e $w3m_command|$W3MIMGDISPLAY
A rainy Saturday in the lab
I recently obtained an esp32 based smartwatch and have succeeded in building a stable firmware that runs freebasic. While I did get jurov's recipe for ulisp working, I wanted to still be able to use the gui when lisp is running, so enter fb-lisp.
tl;dr - I mirrored the freebasic code here.
Wifi no longer crashes webserver, so triggering screenshots via wget is possible again. Time and BTC to local fiat price sync operational.

Also this past week I finally shut down the server running busybot to pestnet. I can't justify the server for it and want to focus on making something more stable in the bot arena so it can read me logs back, etc.
Meanwhile on Pestnet, Lord cringe makes an appearance, so hurr-durr read-only for now!

Blatta performance on the pogoplug is sub-optimal, but runs much more efficiently under termux (as does smalpest) so I will switch back over when I have time to chroot the armv7 device again.
Besides, it's a rainy Saturday morning and I'd rather play blackjack on the mc10 anyway.

The lightning experiment, or LN is a shitcoin
Back in 2020, I was casually reading the logs one morning when Joe Rodgers (WoT:joerodgers), Bitcoin Magazine alumni, decided to pop into chat and link a rss aggregator "powered by Lightning" for those assembled to view. Up to this point I had never touched a single satoshi powered by it so the conversation started thus:
shinohai: I had nfi anyone was even using Lightning Network. Still trying to solve 30 cent problems instead of $3000 ones I guess. asciilifeform: shinohai: 99% of the work (if can dare to use word 'work'...) of a shitcoin perpetrator, is to create a synthetic appearance of 'use' asciilifeform: is how they get it into goxes, pump up exch rate, etc joerodgers: Are you suggesting LN is a shitcoin? asciilifeform: joerodgers: it is. albeit with slightly more than the usual amt of 'bitcoin flavouring' added asciilifeform: joerodgers: if anything, it's the most cynically fraudulent type of shitcoin, in that it purports to be equivalent somehow to actual bitcoin (y'know, the kind where tx follows the 2009 format, and gets mined into actual blocks..) asciilifeform: while in actuality, it ain't joerodgers: Ok, thanks for sharing. asciilifeform: this isn't some kinda mega-revelation. if you read the docs, will become entirely clear what it is joerodgers: I need to read the LN docs to see where it explains this asciilifeform: in other lulz . shinohai: joerodgers: "whereby transactions are sent over a network of micropayment channels ... whose transfer of value occurs off-blockchain." joerodgers: Are you opposed to any development off the main chain? No L2/sidechains? shinohai: Kinda defeats the purpose of a blockchain, neh? shinohai: lel asciilifeform "Plox to mirror it FOR ME" asciilifeform: joerodgers: can't speak for other people, but i'm opposed to fraud. and folx who push a paypal-like item as 'equiv. of bitcoin' are committing fraud. joerodgers: It provides a trustless scaling solution? joerodgers: fair enough asciilifeform: joerodgers: somehow i was under the impression that you've eaten years of #t logs. and therefore familiar with the favourite strategy of the enemy over past decade, i.e. pushing baroque crocks of shit under banner of 'scale bitcoin' joerodgers: Paypal takes custody of your funds and asks for KYC, I don't see how LN is that.
The conversation carries on in the logs, which you can read here but I decided to go slum it with the LN evangelists on twitter/telegram and see what they were up to. My curiosity often leads me to filthy places what can I say?
I shan't bore folks with the details of all the services and things I tried but here's the tl;dr:
- It bears a remarkable similarity to things we've seen before.
- Using it will have you dancing in the streets for nickels. People will send you $1 worth of sats for maxint work and think they changed your life somehow.
- Poor design choices make it feel like the Rube Goldberg version of a spreadsheet.
- If you enjoy fun-filled evenings sifting amongst the couch cushions for loose change, then this is the system for you.
How much of the network is actually using Lightning? Statistics site shows that there are currently around 4595 BTC in LN channels, or about 0.0219% of all Bitcoin that will ever exist. Indeed it's still a micro economy at this stage of development and from my perspective is just an ouroboros, as mentioned above.
And thus ends my participation in the Lightning experiment - I'll just stick to actual Bitcoin (address in footer if you are so inclined!) for now, thank you very much. I've deleted all LN apps from my device that were used during this exercise but on the off-chance someone happens to send me something on Telegram, I'll likely automatically send it back. You probably need that ten cents more than me.
UPDATE: It has come to my attention that some folx refuse to read the links in this piece and would rather make angry NPC noises instead. I'll break out the crayons for these people. Here's a simple flowchart:

That's all folks!
Ana Vidovic - Recuerdos de la Alhambra
Here's a video of a great performance of Recuerdos de la Alhambra so I can test my peering with scoopbot on pestnet.
Adventures in pest testnet - Blatta updates and bots
Thimbronion (WoT:thimbronion) published several vpatches for blatta containing some bug fixes and client enhancements. I am currently running version 9978 and so far haven't found any bugs.
Getting an irc bot working on pestnet has caused me a bit of issue up to this point - mainly because I hadn't time to sit down and consider the problem well. Various attempts to get my old reliable busybot connected and responding to commands ended with the output not making it to the channel or user that requested it. I had almost decided making a bot using weechat was the only temporary solution but then PeterL (WoT:PeterL), whilst trying to connect scoopbot, mentioned something about regex which got me thinking about writing one for busybot. So I fired off a netcat listener, captured some input (thanks jonsykkel!), and in the wee hours finally got the bot to behave. I feel confident with a few hours more of cleanup busybot will be back in action full time.
The bot testing was performed using the blatta version above as the station. Once the aforementioned cleanup is done I plan to test the bot using jonsykkel's (WoT:jonsykkel) smalpest also.
Current #pest logs HERE
Adventures in pest testnet - connecting an Android device
A few months ago I published a piece documenting how to set up a gentoo chroot using termux. Since that makes python2.7 available, why not try and connect it to pest testnet?
I promptly set about installing thimbronion: 's blatta by uploading a tarball of it via the phone's sd card. I took the liberty of stripping it down a bit a renaming the main executable "parazit" for this test simply so I could readily distinguish the station on my local network. From within the pest directory I made a startup script with the following contents:
python2.7 parazit \
--log-level debug \
--udp-port=7778 \ \
I then run the startup script inside a screen session. Once the station is running in the background I then connect via weechat.
You can also echo text to your weechat fifo like so:
echo 'irc.parazit.#pest *test message from cli' > ~/.weechat/weechat_fifo
At the time of this post the pest station has been running for well over 24 hours with no noticeable affect on the battery or cpu usage. Future experiments may involve sticking this device in a purse and seeing how the station connects outside the local network.
Installing slimv using esthlos-v
Slimv stands for Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim. It is a Vim plugin of 2009 vintage written by Tamas Kovacs, preserved in the form of a vpatch. This is for folx who already have vim,tmux, and sbcl installed and want a quick and reliable method for enabling a swank server in vim ala emacs.
Populate your slimv tree, mine is available at
# tree slimv/ slimv/ ├── patches │ └── slimv.genesis.vpatch ├── seals │ └── slimv.genesis.vpatch.shinohai.sig └── wot └── shinohai.asc
Using esthlos-v press slimv directly to the vim plugins directory:
`v press slimv.genesis.vpatch ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/`
My sbcl binary is in a nonstandard location (because Gentoo) and I couldn't get the swank server to start from within vim. I remedied this with a function that starts swank in a tmux window using rlwrap:
swank() { tmux ls | grep '>_' > /dev/null || ( tmux new-session -d -s '>_' -n '[swank]' rlwrap /usr/local/bin/sbcl --load \ ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/slimv/slime/start-swank.lisp ) exec tmux attach -t '>_' }
Now when I open a `.lisp` file, vim presents me with a new buffer containing a REPL connected via swank:

Bundled with slimv is a tool called paredit which will, amongst other things,match parenthesis for you as you code. To learn more about it's features read the documentation by entering `:help paredit`
Source deed for gnupg-1.4.10
This is a mirror of Mircea Popescu's deedbot deed of gnupg-1.4.10. I had someone ask me where this was located recently, and also saw it referenced in the irc logs so figured it might be useful to post it up along with my method of extracting it:
curl -Os4SL && \ cat deed-378272-1.txt | awk '/future./{flag=1;next}/BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE/{flag=0}flag'|base64 -d >gpg-1.4.10.tar.gz && \ tar zxvf gpg-1.4.10.tar.gz
The sources from this method are what yours truly uses for his static gpg build with musl, but these sources should build in the traditional way for less experienced users.
Tags: News, Cryptography, Linux
Viewing Pest testnet logs using tmux and weechat
This is a simple method of viewing your channel logs in weechat. It can be adapted to also display your znc logs as well. I find this method a much easier way of reviewing channel logs than fiddling with logbot configs, and requires limited resources if one is running pest on a headless machine.
/alias add log /eval /exec -bg tmux new-window -n '[logs]' \ sh -c "less +G $(echo ~/.weechat/logs/${buffer.full_name}.weechatlog | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
Now you can view the weechat logs for any chan by running `/log` in the current buffer. This will open the log in a new tmux window like so, and you can also scroll to your heart's content:
I am also pleased to report that jonsykkel's smalpest in C builds flawlessly, but sadly does not play nicely with blatta instances, so it remains lab use only for now.
Monday morning lulzmine, Rusty CoC edition
You know it's gonna be a great week when you wake up to HN hissyfits from the "Rust Programming language community". The entire "mod team" has apparently quit the project because they did not like the way their CoC was being swallowed. From the logs:
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in heathen oddities. shinohai: << Daddy doesn't like our CoC so we're gonna whine until everyone is forced to swallow OUR CoC!!!!! dulapbot: Logged on 2021-11-22 12:22:30 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in heathen oddities. shinohai: omfg hipsterlang folks are so fucking insufferable. asciilifeform would ask 'why do they have both a 'core team' and a 'mod team'' but can guess the answr shinohai: Silly, how else they gonna manufacture the CoC's ? signpost: lol shinohai: `git push origin yes-massa-dun-beat-me-massa` signpost: the way they want to be hurt, yet to be told to be hurt is power, is sordid. signpost: perhaps the final form of the stealing-the-stolen-from, that the victim screeches for moar. signpost: these people are an affront to humanity. asciilifeform: signpost: which people, in this case ? signpost: the bitch who is "resigning" and telling the folks who ignored his auctoritah how to fix themselves signpost: and also the "core team" who allowed the fungus to grow in the first place. asciilifeform: signpost: iirc the whole 'rust' thing is a fungus (crackpot reimpl. of some % of ada w/ 'modern' syntax, iirc) signpost: yep, growing out of the social arrangement on display here asciilifeform: lulzy signpost: what was mp's thing, the "two subbies arguing over who will top today" signpost: pretty spot on.
None of these people are in my WoT, so none of them actually matter and thus we continue on with our week.
Lab notes: Pest and Alcuin part two
Since the last installment there has been updates made to Alcuin, including a rename to Blatta along with a genesis.vpatch for the same, and more recently some bugfixes which I successfully applied and will be testing in the coming week.
So far in testing I have been able to:
- Set up a testnet on localhost.
- Peer with Blatta's creator remotely and pass messages.
- Connect an ircbot using it's own station.1
Interest seems to be brewing in the project, so I hope to grow my WoT for this item and look forward to posting more about this item as work progresses.
Lab notes: Pest and Alcuin part one
Pest is, as defined in the draft spec:
a peer-to-peer network protocol intended for IRC-style chat. It is designed for decentralization of control, resistance to natural and artificial interference, and fits-in-head mechanical simplicity -- in that order.
The fall of TMSR and the subsequent fleanode collapse has evidently provided the catalyst to get the ball rolling on a replacement communications system that doesn't leave the user at the mercy of SJW's or fiat government stooges and other central points of failure. Discussion on the pest spec has been under way in dulapnet irc ever since asciilifeform first published the draft spec in September of this year, and yours truly has just now had time to carve out a bit of time to review the spec, chatlogs, and thimbronion's implementation of the pest spec in Python, known as Alcuin.
Weechat is my preferred irc client, and a few days ago in the logs thimbronion reported that weechat and some other clients would not send custom commands to the server. After looking into this a bit, I discovered weechat will send nonstandard commands to a connected server when prefixed with the `/quote` command. Even further digging into client behavior revealed that this behavior can be modified by simply changing a setting weechat has turned off by default:
/set on
After setting the above the Alcuin server seemed to process commands exactly as it should, though much work remains to implement the entire spec (as stated in the author's README file). After setting up Python 2.7 on a remote machine and obtaining the script to generate keys from thimbronion, I was able to set up two pest stations and interact between them.
To help make it easier to test and experiment with Alcuin, I have produced a temporary genesis vpatch and sig based on thimbronion's version 9994 tarball and containing the missing key generation script mentioned previously. I will make every effort to keep this updated as the project progresses.
To be continued .....
Meme Collection Vol. 2 - Bitcoin Blinding Lights
"Bitcoin Blinding Lights", by Strike meme warfare specialist ICOffender.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Memetards, Lulz
Meme Collection Vol. 1 - The memetards
"The Memetards", an A-Team parody video starring Adam Back.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Memetards, Lulz
Suckless st and tabbed
In my quest to vpatch more things that I use regularly, I finally made a section on this site for my collection of suckless tools. While urxvt served me well for some time, it grows more and more into a bloated mess every update for so simple an item as a virtual terminal. st + tabbed combined have far fewer lines of code, is all in C, and with a few tweaks mimics all the good functionalities I need.
The st vpatch is vanilla st with the scrollback patches and externalpipe patch applied so I get a clean genesis starting point, and tabbed is the one found at but modified slightly to allow allow renaming of open tabs (more on that below).
Both items are pressed in the usual way using your preferred implementation of V. The `config.h.def` file can be adjusted further to operator preferences before building with `make`.
After the items are installed to your path, a couple of bash functions can be added to one's aliases to ease tabbed terminal startup and renaming of tabs:
function term() { xid="$(tabbed -c -d -s -r 2 st -w x)" st -w "$xid" bash & } function set-title() { if [[ -z "$ORIG" ]]; then ORIG=$PS1 fi TITLE="\[\e]2;$*\a\]" PS1=${ORIG}${TITLE} }
Now I have an easy way to open a tabbed terminal and quickly rename tabs to organize work. For me, it looks something like this:

These items can now be found here:
Moscow Memetards Move Market
In a decisive blow against mainstream media mongoloids chattering away at computers Twitter meme group member @gegelsmr, identifying as the "Israel Investment Fund Group", posted a tweet Friday afternoon announcing 2.3 Billion petrodollars worth of Bitcoin holdings. The tweet, spread by memetards, landed on the pages of Yahoo finance and other "cryptocurrency news outlets" within hours. Upon realizing they forgot to "Verify, don't trust" the butthurt rage resulted in the Israel Investment Fund Group account being suspended by twitter, likely because they hate competition on the dissemination of fake news front.
Because the internet never forgets, these lulz will be forever preserved: (The original tweet) (Yahoo news article) (Bitcoin Insider) (Crypto Watch Daily)
The Bitcoin market sank to $32,000 on Thursday and was trading at $33,900 at the time this post was published.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Memetards, Lulz
McAfee fakes death to avoid eating his penis
Serial shitcoin adventurer John McAfee was reportedly found dead in his Spanish prison cell just hours after USSA authorities were granted a request for his extradition. A lone letter `Q` was posted to his Instagram page hours after his death was reported, instead of the more appropriate `HFSP` which his surviving family is likely to experience if the disclosure is proven to be accurate.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Shitcoins
trb - correct trivial bug in `dumpblock`
As discussed in the #asciilifeform irc chan, a bug was discovered by user whaack (WoT:whaack) in the trb `dumpblock` mechanism where it would return an orphaned block from disk instead of the expected mainchain block. asciilifeform (WoT:asciilifeform) quickly produced a vpatch which corrects this behavior, which I have tested and signed.
The vpatch and it's corresponding signature can be found in the trb section below:
asciilifeform_dumpblocks_force_mainchain.kv.vpatch asciilifeform_dumpblocks_force_mainchain.kv.vpatch.shinohai.sig
Gentoo chroot on android 10 device
I was in a pinch over the weekend and needed a quick gentoo env to test something but only had my stupid android 10 smartphone with me, so wat do? I'm documenting the following recipe that (so far) works for me and preserving the tarball here to my www for possible future needs.
Grab the stage3 for armv7 using curl inside termux.
`curl -sSL4`
Gotta fucking fix hardlinks cuz of some android kernel herpderpery so we use proot, also from termux.
`proot --link2symlink tar -C $GENTOO/data -xf stage3-arm64-20200704.tar.xz`
Now make a script that starts up the chroot inside termux and fire it off:
`cat > << EOF #!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu set -o pipefail unset LD_PRELOAD export GENTOO=/data/data/com.termux/gentoo export EPREFIX=/data/gentoo64 proot --link2symlink -r $GENTOO -0 -w / \ -b /dev -b /proc -b /sys \ $EPREFIX/bin/sh -c \ "HOME=$EPREFIX/root $EPREFIX/startprefix" EOF chmod +x sh
Now from inside the chroot, fix your `/etc/resolv.conf` since this can't be copied from android system. Then source your profile and set ENV.
source /etc/profile export PS1="(chroot) $PS1"

Normally this is the step where one sets up portage, but resist the temptation to `emerge-webrsync` here. I'd simply crossdev the packages I needed on a much more capable machine and set up my `/etc/portage/make.conf` to emerge packages from a local binhost.
This thing will bitch about `proc/` not being mounted on most devices. However, I'm able to see chroot processes inside htop in another termux session.
Because of the extreme minimal size of the environment, user is expected to be capable of building their own env using crossdev as explained above
UPDATE: I forgot to mention that I mounted one of these Kingston 8GB microsd cards before unpacking the fs:

Shinohai's Saturday Shitcoin Selections: Laura Loomer crashes the party.
US Republican activist Laura Loomer started the first day of the 2021 Miami "Bitcoin" conference off with a bang, interrupting the panelist in order to raise objections to him championing Bitcoin as an instrument of freedom, whilst simultaneously accusing him of censorship and election interference on twitter. Event organizers regained control of the room by pinning a gold star on Ms. Loomer, and Jack Dorsey went on to talk about his new hardware "Bitcoin" wallet offering. The "assisted custody" device will include a signing key for Square to prevent users from using actual Bitcoin. (archived)
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz, BitcoinMiami2021
El Salvador declares Bitcoin offical currency
Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador, announced via recorded message played at the Bitcoin 2021 Conference in Miami that next week he will be sending a bill to congress making BTC official legal tender within the country. (archived)
Tags: News, Bitcoin, BitcoinMiami2021
warez addition 'calc' sim
After recovering from my initial shock of finding something useful on "Hacker" "News", I immediately set about cloning this lightweight calculator sim for future hacks.
Now available in my warez section, you can try this handy tool here: [CALC].
That is all.
Tags: News, Math, Python, Linux
Spring projects I: Gentoo distfiles mirror.
One of the more useful items I had not gotten around to mirroring is asciilifeform's historic Gentoo distfiles which is, as far as I can tell, possibly one of the only places on the internet to get these. These will now live here:
The Gentoo section of this www has suffered from a bit of neglect over the past year, and this is something I hope to remedy by this Summer. Possible upgrades will include a collection of guides for various boards, mirrors of historic .iso's (which also are getting harder to locate) and addition of various musl patches I have scattered about from past experiments.
Shinohai's Saturday Shitcoin Selections 6
It's been a while since I've done one of these, but this past week produced a bit of lulzy shitcoin fodder so here goes.
From around teh interwebz:
A now-deleted tweet from the account "@DocumentingBTC" suggested that one should buy Bitcoin because the "founder of reddit" is doing it.

The reader should be well-advised to not emulate Alexis Ohanian in any shape or form, unless you aspire to have fun staying poor. Alexis famously quit his job so a black person could have it and will likely take any Bitcoin he has and pay slavery reparations or other woke nonsense with it.
The denizens of reddit also showed us what happens when one turd squeezes another with the Robinhood lulz this week:
Using tactics learned from the 2016 DAO hack, Robinhood execs decided to stop trading on certain shares though no SFYL is expected to occur from the riots. USGoogle was happy to assist in these efforts and deleted 100K+ 1-star ratings of the trading app in it's store.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
ben_vulpes base58 encoding in Common Lisp
As the anniversary of the fall of TMSR approaches the decay of the once-proud institution is evident in the rapidly decreasing number of websites of former Lords., formerly operated by ben_vulpes (WoT:ben_vulpes) is sadly one of these castles specifically because the guy wrote the defacto introduction to vtronics (archived) and some interesting posts on common lisp.
One forgotten item I found particularly useful was an implementation of base58 encoding in common lisp. Sadly I could find no archive of the original article but after a bit of digging I found a copy of the code contained within saved on an old hard drive. I'm quoting it below so I have a handy reference for future projects.
(defparameter +b58-alphabet+ "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz") (defun b58-encode (bytes) (let ((string (make-string-output-stream)) (bignum (loop for i to (- (length bytes) 1) summing (* (elt bytes i) (expt 256 i))))) (loop while (> bignum 0) do (multiple-value-bind (x r) (floor bignum (length +b58-alphabet+)) (write-char (elt +b58-alphabet+ r) string) (setf bignum x))) (loop for b across (reverse bytes) do (if (= 0 b) (write-char (elt +b58-alphabet+ 0) string) (return))) (reverse (get-output-stream-string string))))
Hoaxtoshi and Ayre ring in 2021 with fresh round of lies.
In a continuation of the lulz from last year, liar and Hoaxtoshi Craig Wright (WoT:non-entity) is sending copyright claims to persons publishing the original Bitcoin whitepaper, in an attempt to use non-sovereign courts to attack sovereign Bitcoin. Notices were sent to the and website from lawyers representing Hoaxtoshi, with demands that any copies be immediately removed on copyright infringement grounds. While "" decided to capitulate to the ludicrous demands, the owners of the "" website published the following statement: (archived)
Yesterday both and received allegations of copyright infringement of the Bitcoin whitepaper by lawyers representing Craig Steven Wright. In this letter, they claim Craig owns the copyright to the paper, the Bitcoin name, and ownership of They also claim he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, and the original owner of and were both asked to take down the whitepaper. We believe these claims are without merit, and refuse to do so. Unfortunately, without consulting us, Bitcoin Core developers scrambled to remove the Bitcoin whitepaper from, in response to these allegations of copyright infringement, lending credence to these false claims. The Bitcoin Core website was modified to remove references to the whitepaper, their local copy of the whitepaper PDF was deleted, and with less than 2 hours of public review, this change was merged. By surrendering in this way, the Bitcoin Core project has lent ammunition to Bitcoin’s enemies, engaged in self-censorship, and compromised its integrity. This surrender will no doubt be weaponized to make new false claims, like that the Bitcoin Core developers “know” CSW to be Satoshi Nakamoto and this is why they acted in this way. The Bitcoin whitepaper was included in the original Bitcoin project files with the project clearly published under the MIT license by Satoshi Nakamoto. We believe there is no doubt we have the legal right to host the Bitcoin whitepaper. Furthermore, Satoshi Nakamoto has a known PGP public key, therefore it is cryptographically possible for someone to verify themselves to be Satoshi Nakamoto. Unfortunately, Craig has been unable to do this. We will continue hosting the Bitcoin whitepaper and won’t be silenced or intimidated. Others hosting the whitepaper should follow our lead in resisting these false allegations.
Users of actual Bitcoin are, as always, immune to this sort of thing. The whitepaper is included in the trb archives here.
Mirror updates for FFA
I have updated the mirror of asciilifeform's ffa to include the latest updates from loperos. Hopefully I will be able to resume more in-depth study of ffa in the coming weeks and can continue adding my own seals to the mix.
As handy reference, the following is the current Table of Contents for ffa as it stands currently, with corresponding links to loperos. I intend to mirror these articles here on site this spring as time permits.
- "Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 1: Genesis.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 2: Logical and Bitwise Operations.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 3: Shifts.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 4: Interlude: FFACalc.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 5: "Egyptological" Multiplication and Division.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 6: “Geological” RSA.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 7: “Turbo Egyptians.”
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 8: Interlude: Randomism.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 9: "Exodus from Egypt" with Comba's Algorithm.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 10: Introducing Karatsuba's Multiplication.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 11: Tuning and Unified API.
- Hypertext Concordance for "Finite Field Arithmetic."
- “Finite Field Arithmetic” Regrind into Keccak-V Format.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 12A: Karatsuba Redux. (Part 1 of 2)
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 12B: Karatsuba Redux. (Part 2 of 2)
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 13: "Width-Measure" and "Quiet Shifts."
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 14A: Barrett's Modular Reduction. (Part 1 of 2)
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 14A-Bis: Barrett's Modular Reduction. (Physical Bounds Proof.)
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 14B: Barrett's Modular Reduction. (Part 2 of 2.)
- “Finite Field Arithmetic” vs MPI.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 15: Greatest Common Divisor.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 16A: The Miller-Rabin Test.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 17: Introduction to Peh.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 18A: Subroutines in Peh.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 18B: "Cutouts" in Peh.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 18C: Peh School: Generation of Cryptographic Primes.
- “Finite Field Arithmetic.” Chapter 19: Peh Tuning and Demo Tapes.
- "Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 20: "Litmus", a Peh-Powered Verifier for GPG Signatures.
- "Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 20B: Support for Selected Ancient Hash Algos in "Litmus."
- "Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 20C: Support for 'Clearsigned' GPG texts in "Litmus."
- "Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 20D: "Litmus" Errata: Support for Nested Clearsigned Texts.
- "Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 21A: Extended GCD and Modular Multiplicative Inverse. (Part 1 of 3)
- "Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 21A-Bis: Fix for Lethal Flaw in Ch.15's Greatest Common Divisor.
- "Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 21A-Ter: Fix for a False Alarm in Ch.14; "Litmus" Errata.
Tags: News, Cryptography
trb project and mirror updates
Discussion in #therealbitcoin channel on irc has shamed me into updating my trb mirror with the obey_sendbuffersize.vpatch. I had previously tested and signed while reviewing the patch with mod6 (WoT:mod6)this past Summer, but I decided to err on side of caution and do a few builds and runs before publishing. The vpatch and it's corresponding seal are now available on my trb mirror:
obey_sendbuffersize.vpatch obey_sendbuffersize.vpatch.shinohai.sig
Current state of The Bitcoin Foundation and other ramblings:
The source code viewer remains down at the time this post was being written.
No monthly tbf "State of Bitcoin" address or treasury reports have been broadcast since August.
asciilifeform (WoT:asciilifeform) floats the possibility of yours truly becoming co-chair of The Bitcoin Foundation, and a slew of improvements.
Annnnd that's pretty much all for now. I will make any updates to the information here in a future post. Stay tuned.
A mirror of
A recent outage of the Bitcoin foundation website made me think it might be a good idea to mirror the contents in the event another outage occurs due to unforeseen circumstances or cosmic rays". The complete site mirror will reside at and every effort will be made to keep it regularly updated. Enjoy!
More than sixty Coinbase employees exit after apolitics rule takes effect
Conbase CEO Brian Armstrong (WoT:nonperson) has said that more than 60 employees (~5%) accepted the "company's" severance package that was proffered in a recent announcement the exchange made to remain neutral regarding political affairs in the USSA. The controversial move by Coinbase produced the usual SJW outrage across their preferred platforms of Reddit and "Hacker News", with much weeping and gnashing of teeth occurring over their lost ability to spread Marxism further in the workplace. The disenfranchised employees will likely seek employment in more SJW friendly environs like Shithub, where they are free to focus on "things that excite them" like removing racially charged language from computer programs and embedding more equality into silicon. (archived)
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
Don't call me
When I left tmsr early in 2018, I had the idea that I would poke about in the sewers and hang out my plaque as a freelance "core" cryptocurrency developer. I thought it would at least be a fun way to sharpen my skills and understanding of the "ecosystem" in general, but two years on into the fray I'm not certain I really like what I see.
The above-mentioned ecosystem is full of people who want you to spend hours of your time polishing turds for little or no money. Lane Rettig, a mETHereum dev, hit the nail on the head about what one should expect as a "core" dev for any cryptocurrency:
You’re building extremely low-level infrastructure that the average person will never notice nor understand .... The pay kinda sucks, other people will get rich and famous on the back of your work, you likely won’t receive any credit, and you kind of have to be okay with that.
I'm decidedly not ok with that. I'm tired of watching retards throw insane amounts of Bitcoin at "exchange listings" and javascript developers who write webshit and get paid 10x the amount a "core developer" is expected to accept. I'm tired of building toolchains for obscure machines - which can take hours on it's own - then spend days afterwards getting shitty code I inherited to build in a halfway sane manner. I'm tired of being available 100% of the time to answer questions and walk people through technical things, most of the time without even a simple thank you or a courtesy bitcent for my trouble. I'm also tired of watching myself give people microscopes to hammer nails with. The list could go on all night.
In short, I've had about enough of the "cryptocurrency community" and am seriously considering just sitting back and watching the whole thing burn. And make no mistake - fires will break out and when they do perhaps there is a monkey out there willing to work for peanuts or nothing at all.
Whatever the case, don't call me. </rant>
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
The caek is a lie
IRC log review
A few interesting and not-so-interesting things in freenode irc.
Still nothing of substance out of #o, low signal.

#o alumni whaack (WoT:whaack) is still working on his trb node however, and according to watchglass is at block height 448752.
btcinfobot caused me to walk away in disgust this past week and instead spend the day fishing. After a refreshing day at the river it is now back online and, freenode weather permitting, will remain there for testing. ircbot and logbot are stable, but quest for lispbot command interpreter vpatch continues.
Meanwhile, in #asciilifeform mats (WoT:mats) proffers original fg units for the low price of $100 in Bitcoin.
ave1 (WoT:ave1) officially goes mia as goes dark.
trinque (WoT:trinque) continues quest to get vgenesis of linux before it becomes too cancerous.
Otherwise, it's a rainy afternoon in castle shinohai and the caek is a lie.
Deedbot Web of Trust updates - Summer 2020
I finally got around to tidying up my WOT on deedbot, so this page will serve as any easy reference of persons I have rated in my WoT. It is an exact mirror of the ratings table found on deedbot here.
Rating | From | Timestamp | Note |
5 | spyked | 2020-05-26 02:05:28 | botworks; qntra; shitcoins |
3 | BingoBoingo | 2016-12-11 03:12:34 | Regular Qntra Contributor and TRB-ist |
3 | asciilifeform | 2018-01-24 11:01:20 | heathendom newsdesk; pogotronics, trb, FG experimenter |
2 | billymg | 2020-04-26 10:04:36 | longstanding #trilema member from before my time. former qntra contributor with a good sense of humor. writes at |
2 | danielpbarron | 2017-01-23 10:01:50 | Puts in the work |
2 | hanbot | 2016-12-24 11:12:23 | Avid task tackler. |
2 | mod6 | 2015-07-03 03:07:00 | Very responsive and helpful testing of TRB & V. |
2 | pete_dushenski | 2016-06-29 10:06:34 | trb tester+navigator |
1 | ag3nt_zer0 | 2015-07-10 10:07:25 | great assist to newb |
1 | diana_coman | 2016-09-03 10:09:37 | Held many euloran noob hands. |
1 | mats | 2016-02-14 05:02:09 | The Real Bitcoin tester, #b-a regular |
1 | mircea_popescu | 2018-07-18 12:07:20 | he used to be a bigshot. |
1 | whaack | 2017-07-19 07:07:11 | qntra writer, helped me a bit with my spanish pronunciation |
Rating | To | Timestamp | Note |
5 | asciilifeform | 2020-06-19 08:06:38 | #asciilifeform Writes at: ffa, fg, too much to mention |
5 | spyked | 2020-06-19 08:06:55 | #spyked Lisp,botworks, writes at |
4 | BingoBoingo | 2020-06-19 08:06:42 | #agriculturalsupremacy Writes at: and Former Qntra editor. |
2 | billymg | 2020-06-19 08:06:27 | Writes at: |
2 | jurov | 2020-06-19 08:06:43 | #therealbitcoin Boldly continuing work of trb/thebitcoinfoundation. Writes at |
2 | trinque | 2020-06-19 08:06:30 | #trinque deedbot Writes at: operates |
2 | whaack | 2020-06-19 09:06:50 | Common Lisp, Guitarrista Writes at: |
1 | adlai | 2020-06-19 08:06:37 | Can be found in #asciilifeform. Lisper that has published useful items. |
1 | danielpbarron | 2018-04-05 08:04:11 | |
1 | diana_coman | 2020-06-19 08:06:54 | Reichsführer of The Most Cvasi Republic of #ossasepia, S.MG. |
1 | mats | 2018-04-05 08:04:10 | |
1 | verisimilitude | 2020-06-19 08:06:48 | Writes at: |
-1 | mircea_popescu | 2020-06-19 08:06:37 | Ozymandias, Scammed MPEX users despite his rationalizations to the contrary. |
Botworks - ircbot and logbot genesis
Alf has reminded me several times that it might be helpful to publish the sauce for my ircbot setup so this post is an attempt to do just that, and generally make it easier to install the bot components using V. My botworks tree uses trinque's lisp ircbot and logbot combo as the starting point.
A lot of good patches are scattered about on former republican blogs, though it seems I could get none of them to play nice with esthlos-v so a regrind was in order. For ircbot these are:
trinque's ircbot-genesis-kv.vpatch.
ben_vulpes' ircbot-multiple-channels-kv.vpatch.
whaack's ircbot-no-suicide-on-reconnect-kv.vpatch.
Assuming you already have SBCL and quicklisp, you can then use `V` to press ircbot and move the output to your local-projects directory:
v press ircbot-no-suicide-on-reconnect-kv out mv out/ircbot ~/quicklisp/local-projects
The process is repeated to add the logbot system. While testing the regrinds I came upon a curious problem where adding ben_vulpes "logbot-multiple-channels" patch caused an error when trying to start logbot. Simply pressing the logbot genesis and running the bot is working, so I will continue to debug the issue and post results in a future botworks piece. The logbot requires that postgres be installed on your system, whaack has a good piece on how to do this on his blog, if you aren't familiar with setting that part up.
v press logbot-genesis-kv.vpatch mv out/logbot ~/quicklisp/local-projects
With both of these components installed where ASDF can find them running the bot is as simple as firing up a REPL, adding your parameters and connecting to it according to the instructions in the "logbot/USAGE" file.
Put together a better prefixed command system, the system I am currently using works but needs quite a bit of polish before being worthy of turning into a vpatch.
Cobble together a www log reader for use with the logbot system.
Links to useful lisp botworks resources:
trinque's sources:
ben_vulpes' post on multiple channels:
spyked's botworks vpatches:
whaack's post on setting up trinque's logbot:
USSA Report: Github gets blacked and pics from inside Veganzuela
Here are a few interesting items occurring in the United Socialist States of America this week.
Shithub announced they will be replacing the word "Master" as the name of the default branch name which they hope will help by "removing racially-charged language"1 from the open-sores platform. Github/Microshit "developer" Johannes Schindelin was quoted in the issue comments saying he was prepared to bow to his BLMasters:
"At this point, I don't think it matters what the intention behind the word is. It incites emotional distress. So we should move away from it."
Other useless "software developers" following suit include OpenSSL, Curl, and Powershell. (archived)

The Supreme Court ruled Monday afternoon that if you have employees that cosplay furries or someone of the opposite gender that you are stuck with them for the foreseeable future, so expect offense from the masses.
The Republic of Veganzuela inside Seattle is entering it's second week, even as US President Donald Trump threatened to restore "law and order" by dismantling the area surrendered by Seattle police. A white flag was not used in the surrender so as not to incite racial tensions.
Persons armed with AR-15's helpfully collect the $10 for black people tax upon entry.

Once inside, visitors are treated to sights such as lush gardens and the luxury accommodations that dot the landscape of this idyllic socialist paradise.

A separate piece will document any further activity in and around the Veganzuelan border.
Yet another musl trb build instructional
A recent post by DC University alumni1jfw proposed significant changes to the trb build system amongst them one that does away with the `makefile.unix` file in trb source directory. This build takes a different tack and changes next to nothing of the original structure, while still getting a statically linked bitcoind.
I started by adding a profile for my toolchain at `/etc/env.d/gcc/` and named it "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-musl-4.9.4". Now one can switch to it any time you please using gcc-config.
# gcc-config -l [1] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-7.3.0 [2] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-9.2.0 [3] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-musl-4.9.4 * <~snip~>
I choose profile 3, ensuring we use the correct toolchain.
# gcc -v gcc version 4.9.4 20160426 (for GNAT GPL 2016 20160515) (GCC)
Press trb in the same way as described on existing foundation "how-to" page, then proceed to the build directory:
v press mod6_whogaveblox trb054` `cd trb054/bitcoin/build`
Build the 3 main trb dependencies (listed as #Turds! in rotor ), much as Jacob described in his article, and installed them to the `./ourlibs` directory. I also host my own mirror the dependency artifacts on deebot here so I grabbed the necessary items:
In this directory I also put a modified version of the "rotor_bitcoin_only" script called `` that absolutely, positively *does not remove* makefile.unix. It contains:
#!/bin/sh ###################################### #Turds! OPENSSL=openssl-1.0.1g BDB=db-4.8.30 BOOST=boost_1_52_0 ###################################### TOOLCHAIN="/usr/local/x86_64-linux-musl/" DIST=$(readlink -f ./distfiles) OURLIBS=$(readlink -f ./ourlibs) #TOOLCHAIN export CC=$(readlink -f $TOOLCHAIN/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc) export CXX=$(readlink -f $TOOLCHAIN/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-g++) export LD=$(readlink -f $TOOLCHAIN/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-ld) export CFLAGS=-I$(readlink -f $TOOLCHAIN/usr/include) export LDFLAGS=-L$(readlink -f .$TOOLCHAIN/usr/lib) export PATH=$PATH:$(readlink -f $TOOLCHAIN/usr/bin) #LIBS export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH=$OURLIBS/include export OPENSSL_LIB_PATH=$OURLIBS/lib export BDB_INCLUDE_PATH=$OURLIBS/include export BDB_LIB_PATH=$OURLIBS/lib export BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH=$OURLIBS/include export BOOST_LIB_PATH=$OURLIBS/lib cd ../src; make STATIC=all -f makefile.unix bitcoind strip bitcoind mv bitcoind ../bin
Now run `./ The output for me is a 5M statically linked trb. It took about ten minutes for me to build.
bitcoin/bin # file bitcoind bitcoind: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped bitcoin/bin # echo "Size: $(du -h bitcoind)-$(ldd bitcoind)" Size: 5.0M bitcoind- not a dynamic executable
I am pleased with the results as they are on this one. Aside from the benefit of losing the tedious buildroot process, I'm choosing not to change much right now here and leave trb the fuck alone.2
WIP: A static GNAT with musl, NoSuchLabs Edition.
A discussion in the #asciilifeform irc chan earlier this month revealed that many of the original Adacore mirrors for building GNAT no longer resolve. A fellow named jfw undertook the task of mirroring the necessary items, and wrote about the process on his blog, which is well worth a read. To further help preserve these items, asciilifeform was kind enough to upload them to his website (along with a handy archive of Gentoo distfiles - but that is fodder for another post).
The above bitrot problem means that building ave1's musl GNAT suite as it exists no longer works, so I decided to attempt replacing the broken links in the build scripts with the working set from NoSuchLabs. For interested parties I have mirrored ave1's tarball HERE and a patch with the current bare-minimum link changes to get it working HERE. This item is a WIP, so I haven't yet replaced 100% of the original links, but readers are invited to join #asciilifeform on freenode irc to complain and/or suggest ways to improve it.
After applying the patch, following the build instructions in ave1's README file should produce a static GNAT and GCC-4.9.4 toolchain, perfect for use with FFA and other goodies. I will update this post as changes are made to the build scripts.
Experimental vpatches for trb
I have decided that my trb mirror could use an experimental patch section as a place to aggregate vpatches I have found useful over time, but aren't part of the "official" trb tree. I have serious reservations as to how much longer btcbase will exist - If the end of TMSR and the Qntra exit scam is any indication, it might be best to grab these items while the getting is good.
The first item in this section doesn't herald from btcbase however, but from Jacob Welsh's Fixpoint blog. This experimental patch adds a "getrawtransaction" rpc call. The only issue I had in applying this patch was due to differences in naming styles of the manifest file, so the item I include here is reground with a note in the manifest that jfw is the original author along with an update of the block time. It should be noted that the patch does not have a corresponding seal at this time, making it a "use at own discretion" item. The bitcoin_getrawtransaction.vpatch can be found HERE.
That'd be it for now. Future updates to the experimental section will likely include a regrind of asciilifeform's "Shiva" and polarbeard's "sendrawtransaction" vpatches, as those are the items I am most familiar with.
tgbot - a Telegram bot in Bash
tgbot is, as the title says, a extensible Telegram bot written in Bash. It is what telegram-bot-bash was originally supposed to be before it became a bloated clusterfuck.
But why Bash? Because it's everywhere. This bot is mainly useful for folks that want to quickly set up a bot to automate tasks or announce rss feeds in a Telegram group. This functionality isn't included in this vpatch, but instead the user is invited to write their own commands and functions. Examples are included in the "commands" script.
To use:
Grab the vpatch and seal from here and press using a keccak-based vtron.
Make the following files executable:
- commands
- global
- sendNotify
- tgbot
Create a new bot by sending a message to @BotFather. After completing the creation steps, copy your token to the "token" file, and save with user-readable permissions.
Then start the bot in a tmux or screen session by simply running `./tgbot`. The bot writes it's logfile to "logfile.txt" in the directory it is running in.
Run this bot with root permissions, even if "just testing"! Telegram is a cesspool and you will quickly come to grief.
Otherwise, enjoy.
Trilema announces closure
Mircea Popescu published a blog post earlier this morning announcing the end of "TMSR" activities on Trilema, presumably so he can focus his time on other important activities such as hippo training.
For some strange reason, the burning fires and attrition rates in the past few years reminded me of an excerpt by Mark Twain:
We played robber now and then about a month, and then I resigned. All the boys did. We hadn’t robbed nobody, hadn’t killed any people, but only just pretended. We used to hop out of the woods and go charging down on hog-drivers and women in carts taking garden stuff to market, but we never hived any of them. Tom Sawyer called the hogs “ingots,” and he called the turnips and stuff “julery,” and we would go to the cave and powwow over what we had done, and how many people we had killed and marked. But I couldn’t see no profit in it. -Huckleberry Finn.
The future of other former TMSR endeavours, such as Qntra and Eulora, remain unclear at this time. genesis
This is a genesis vpatch for a bash script that takes all the functions of asciilifeform's lamport parachute and combines them into a single script for personal use.
(lam-par.genesis.kv.vpatch) (lam-par.genesis.kv.vpatch.shinohai.sig)
Press using a keccak vtron of choice. Here I am using esthlos-v:
`v press lam-par.genesis.kv.vpatch lam-par/`
Change to the output directory, make the script executable, and run it:
lam-par # ./ --help Options: --mkpriv Generate a private key --priv2pub Generate a public key from a private key -s, --sign Sign a message using your public key -v, --verify Verify a signed message using a public key See for more details
Tags: News, Cryptography, UNIX
Robinhood falls along with other fiat markets
On the heels of a previous outage, robinhood customers reported widespread issues again this morning shortly after markets opened. Monday started off poorly for fiat markets, with reports of trading halts of 15 Minutes or more after the S&P 500 tanked 7% rapidly in early morning trading.
Meanwhile at MPEX storm clouds brew with some users hoping to get their coins off the exchange before the 2020 Lardship list is published.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Fiat, TMSR, Lulz
Spot the SFYL
Happy Friday afternoon. this week on the SFYL channel we present the following (compressed) image of some derp from twitter showing off his new "secure" Nano Ledger Bitcoin wallet.

Simon the smacktard forgot, however, to obscure the paper containing his device's seed phrase, conveniently demonstrating that some people just aren't ready to use Bitcoin yet. (archived)
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Insecurity, Lulz
Robinhood trading outage enters second day
Users of "Cryptocurrency" and fiat stock trading platform Robinhood reported widespread outages beginning on Monday, and is still operating intermittently at the time of this post. The ill timed bug, which some users reported may be attributed to forgetting to code in leap-year logic, occurred just as markets began a recovery from novel coronavirus fears.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
Let's encrypt announces pwn of 1 billion certs
Snake-oil salesman Let's Encrypt announced in a blog post earlier this week that they had issued 1 billion certificates since the company's creation in late 2014. The dubious milestone seems to indicate that potentially millions of websites are OK with having their "encrypted traffic" revealed by an entity that controls the system's master keys.
Tags: News, Cryptography, Lulz
trb mirror updates and build notes
The Bitcoin Foundation chairman mod6 recently published some new vpatches and added them to the foundation's website for testing. I haven't updated my personal mirror here on btcinfo in some time, at least since the Keccak regrind so this post will serve to do precisely that, and provide updated build instructions and notes.
Though mod6's post only mentions 3 vpatches, there are a total of 5 new vpatches that we will be adding to the trb mirror, as the last updated patch here was "asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks.vpatch". These vpatches are (listed in press order):
- mod6_privkey_tools.vpatch
- mod6_manifest.vpatch
- mod6_phexdigit_fix.vpatch
- mod6_excise_hash_truncation.vpatch
- mod6_whogaveblox.vpatch
In order to press and build trb you will need a Keccak vtron, for these tests I used esthlos-v. The Bitcoin Foundation also has an alternative "how to" using another vtron version here. I am using the "OFFLINE" build instructions because I host my own dependency mirror and am using that.
My normal development and testing laptop is down at the time of writing, so I used my "daily driver" Gentoo computer when testing, which is unfortunately cursed with glibc-2.28. Though the initial press went fine, I quickly hit a wall during the buildroot step and got the following error:
freadahead.c: In function 'freadahead': freadahead.c:91:3: error: #error "Please port gnulib freadahead.c to your platform! Look at the definition of fflush, fread, ungetc on your system, then report this to bug-gnulib." #error "Please port gnulib freadahead.c to your platform! Look at the definition of fflush, fread, ungetc on your system, then report this to bug-gnulib." ^ make[6]: *** [Makefile:1842: freadahead.o] Error 1 make[6]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... In file included from fseeko.c:17:0: ./config.h:78:0: warning: "_FORTIFY_SOURCE" redefined # define _FORTIFY_SOURCE 2 ^: note: this is the location of the previous definition fseeko.c: In function 'rpl_fseeko': fseeko.c:109:4: error: #error "Please port gnulib fseeko.c to your platform! Look at the code in fseeko.c, then report this to bug-gnulib." #error "Please port gnulib fseeko.c to your platform! Look at the code in fseeko.c, then report this to bug-gnulib."
My solution was to simply add a patch to `buildroot-2015.05/package/m4` and restart the build. While I can't recommend doing this under normal circumstances (rather, one should instead use a Linux that isn't cursed) I have uploaded the patch I used here for the sake of documentation and thoroughness.
After applying the above duct-tape, the build proceeded smoothly and spat out the usual static bitcoind. To recap, here are the steps:
- Download the patches, seals, wot, and dependencies from my mirror.
- Press using esthlos-v: `v press mod6_whogaveblox trb054`
- Move the dependencies to the proper location: `mv deps/*.asc trb054/bitcoin/deps`
- Change directories and build: `cd trb054/bitcoin && make`
With all the uncertainty surrounding the fate of the foundation in certain circles, it feels good to have a page where my particular build is made public and commented. For the most part trb is in a "leave it the fuck alone" state, though at some point I'd like to see some Common Lisp or scheme wallet functions added to the mix.
As always, the journey continues!
Pots, kettles, and monoculture.
Following my departure from Qntra part deux I wrote about last week, the inevitable opining of the editor on the situation appeared in his blog and was, sadly, precisely what I expected. I was accused of not being able to change, and well *that observation* is true, at least as far as the Republic Reich is concerned. You can ballyhoo about "hallucinated freedom" all day, but it means little when the despot proclaiming it is delusional themselves.
BingoBoingo was right about another point, nothing was lost in my departure. Putting my name on Qntra pieces has ho-hum effects, chiefly because Qntra is known to be associated with the aforementioned despot, and is likely the reason not even the crazies out there seem to be interested in writing for them.
I resumed posting lulzy shitcoin happenings here on btcinfo. Here are the numbers from reddit comparing a lulzy Qntra piece vs. a post here:
Power Rangers Pushing "Taproot" Into Their Bitcoin Network Client Fork 3 points (58% upvoted) BSV bug leaves nodes unsure which scam chain to follow 47 points (89% upvoted)
The continuing saga of watching Rome burn will be reported on here. Enjoy.
BSV bug leaves nodes unsure which scam chain to follow
The Hoaxtoshi fork-of-a-fork, BitcoinSV, is reportedly connecting to BCash nodes due to a bug that automatically enters "safe mode" when it finds a longer but invalid chain. Aside from this lulzy revelation, twitter user Ben Verret also revealed:
"There are still at least two chains actively mined in BSV, it's a total mess."
Although Hoaxtoshi has claimed in the past to have knowledge of bugs that would "destroy Bitcoin", he was apparently unaware of these particular flaws in his own "BitcoinSV" implementation, since no one seemed to notice the bug existed since November 2018 when their fork went live. (archived)
Tags: Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz, News
You cannot enter the same river twice.
A little over a week ago after a discussion on irc with BingoBoingo, I decided to temporarily call a truce and submit some stories to Qntra again. So I set about trolling my rss feed for leads, submitted a few good stories (which BingoBoingo seemed to enjoy), and prepared to carve out a regular block of time daily to perhaps improve my writing and help "Make Qntra great again!".
Alas, my efforts did not last long as it is apparent no peace between myself and the faction calling themselves a Republic these days is possible. Emperor Caligula remains hell-bent on destroying everything with his madness, and I have better things to do with my time than waste words for an audience that cares not for my contributions. There is also the matter of financial compensation, which the editor assured me would be forthcoming but I cannot expect that there wouldn't be some sort of gypsy trick to avoid distributing my shares, having learned my lesson about accepting promisetronics as a form of payment some time ago.
In short, writing for Qntra appears to have about as much of a future as TMSR itself, as long as their leader refuses to perform any sort of introspection, and surrounds himself with knob-slobbing invertebrates that support such nonsense.
There is plenty left to do as Spring approaches V, ffa, and of course ongoing lulz which will, as always, continue to be reported on here.
Notes on esthlos-v and some restructuring thereof
This particular post will serve as a place to put my notes on esthlos-v, which I have been reading over in an attempt to polish it up for personal use. Now there are many fine implementations of "V" out there already, and I admit mod6's "" has served me well over time, but this particular "V" is delightfully readable and the code is well commented.
Way back in ancient Greece, the word "esthlos" meant that "something exists" or at least is true. Even though the author of esthlos-v vanished into internet space some time ago, and apparently abandoned work on the project, we'll retain the original name since it seems rather fitting for a tool used to magic software into existence.
I will expound upon the contents of esthlos-v in a later piece, though for now I am adding a single new vpatch: "esthlos-v_makefile-and-vdiff.vpatch" - this patch contains simple modifications to the original Makefile so it will build both "v.lisp" and "cl-keccak" as standalone binaries at the same time, and install them if the operator so desires. A modified version of phf's original that uses cl-keccak instead of sha512sum is included. This vpatch and it's corresponding seal can be found in the esthlos-v mirror here.
Aria detta la Frescobalda
This is a clip of Andrés Segovia with student Oscar Ghiglia circa 1965, practicing "Aria detta la Frescobalda" by Girolamo Frescobaldi. To ensure webrot does not erode this classic video it will henceforth reside in the warez section.
Mircea Popescu, or how to spread 500 words of liquishit and say nothing
About a week ago, I was merrily working on some bot things when this Qntra piece came through my rss feed. I couldn't resist the temptation to lampoon and/or stir the pot and decided to leave a single-sentence comment and wait for the fireworks:
shinohai says: November 14, 2019 at 8:49 pm They'll see the light and switch to writing farticles on mp-turdpress any day now.
A few days later, good 'ol botty gives me another rss ping containing the expected reply:
Mircea Popescu says: November 16, 2019 at 9:40 am No, shitface, they won't do that. What they'll do instead is join the chorus of cripple fucks whining about how nobody can accuse them of not being just like me. You didn't invent that, you know. You're just some shitface-come-lately to the longest ongoing party in the history of the world, it was happening in cesspools before they started building sewage pipes. Now get the fuck lost in your sulkhole for another few years, then come back like maybe nobody remembers you're not on your own power worth the cost of a decent burial. Who knows, maybe that time the world will be more amenable to shitfaces ? "You never know", right ?

Well, I don't take orders from the capricious Caesar anymore, and don't have a sulkhole - I have a lulzhole, and let me tell you TMSR provides plenty of fodder for that lately. So let's have some more fun with this. Botty has an experimental search function, so I dumped "Mircea Popescu" + all the words related to shit into the hopper. The first result? Why it's a reddit post, where it appears a year earlier some of the other TMSR cult members tried to spread the gospel, with the same predictable results I got from my "reddit experiment".
This gem gave me the idea for the title of this post:
oh nu, mircea popescu sau cum sa asterni o diaree de 500 de cuvinte si sa nu zici nimic.
It gets lulzier:
No. Some of us did, around the late 2000's, but he ended with the nickname the irrelevant worm. One can tell so many lies that something is rotten in ... Denmark. He thought that having a blog to swing his dick around would make him someone. That didn't work because he had a shitty view of life, people and everything. Then he moved to harassing other fellow romanian bloggers, random, then bribing to say nice things about them or some shit. He would blatantly lie, make up shit about people or places that his been to or things he might have done, then harass people or bloggers who would call him as a liar and a poser.
Pasting the text from the above comment and running `wc -w comment.txt` on it revealed a word count of 113, so it could have been worse - the recent drama with poor asciilifeform produced a word diarrhea with a count numbering in the thousands which can be found in a search of the logs.
That's all for now folks, please excuse me, I have a lulzhole to go get lost in.
Essential kit items: Building SBCL on Gentoo with musl
Steel Bank Common Lisp is another must-have tool in my kit, since I use it to run my hybrid irc/Telegram bot and many other daily use items. In my previous post I documented how I managed to get gcc-4.9.4 massaged into shape, so this post will serve as a reference on how to do the same for SBCL so in the future I don't have to spend the day researching fixes and locating obscure patchsets.
When building many things using musl, one will often run into "undefined reference to `memcpy@GLIBC_*'" type errors, since glibc uses versioned symbols and musl does not. SBCL is no different, but fortunately a little digging turned up a working patchset on the SBCL mailing list which works beautifully, so I didn't have to spend the better part of a day cobbling one together as I did for gcc. I have preserved a copy of the patchset here and will definitely do my best to maintain these into the future should any major changes occur.
Much like Ada, SBCL requires itself or another ANSI common lisp to build. I decided to use CLISP (version 2.49.92) to perform this task, as it can be quickly built from sources using gcc only (and I didn't want to use a pre-built sbcl binary of unknown provenance). After getting clisp in place, building SBCL is mostly painless using the following steps:
I downloaded the 1.5.7 sources from my site and verified the checksums:
curl -O curl -O
Unpack the sources and enter the directory:
tar xjf sbcl-1.5.7-source.tar.bz2 && cd sbcl-1.5.7
Get the musl patchset and apply them:
wget -q -r -nd -N --no-parent -R "index.html*" for i in *.patch; do patch -p1 < $i; done
Build using CLISP and install:
./ "clisp" --fancy ./
The above recipe has so far worked quite nicely, having been tested by running the above mentioned irc bot and a few other essential lisp programs. I will update this post if/when any bugs are found or if any changes are made.
Building gcc 4.9.4 with musl on Gentoo
Lately I have been experimenting a lot more with musl as a replacement for the continually shitty glibc. While musl was a standard part of cuntoo, it appears that particular project is mostly abandoned by it's author and I want to be more responsible for my own toolkit anyway. So starting with the most recent vanilla musl gentoo stage3, I decided getting my preferred compiler working would be first order of business. I tried the portage route with a simple `emerge -av =sys-devel/gcc-4.9.4-r1` which sang along happily for a while until hitting "configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs." and a few other errors.
After spending some time researching the errors and trying various fixes, I managed to produce a patch that will allow me to manually perform the ebuild steps and get a working gcc for musl. I used the following steps:
Download the sources:
ebuild /var/db/repos/gentoo/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-4.9.4-r1.ebuild fetch
ebuild /var/db/repos/gentoo/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-4.9.4-r1.ebuild configure
Go to the source work directory (located at /var/tmp/portage/sys-devel/gcc-4.9.4-r1/work/gcc-4.9.4) and download this patch (sig) and verify, then patch:
patch -p1 < gcc-4.9.4-musl.patch
After patching, complete the manual ebuild steps:
ebuild /var/db/repos/gentoo/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-4.9.4-r1.ebuild compile
ebuild /var/db/repos/gentoo/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-4.9.4-r1.ebuild install
ebuild /var/db/repos/gentoo/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-4.9.4-r1.ebuild merge
Enjoy your shiny new compiler.
(chroot) shinohai ~ # gcc-config -l [1] x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl-4.9.4 * [2] x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl-8.3.0
Next order of business will be trying a fellow named ave1's Ada build for musl and making a POST1 on the results, in addition to publishing the steps I used to get SBCL working in this environment as well.
Rome continues to burn as S.NSA liquidation announced
Mircea Popescu continues the war against his own allies, this time announcing the liquidation of MPEX stalwart S.NSA. The linked article contains many lulzworthy gems, my favorite being:
As a factual matter, for the interval quoted, which is to say the past six years, Stanislav Datskovskiy has produced exactly nothing.
One can easily verify that this is nonsense, thanks to asciilifeform we have the only known fully auditable TRNG in existence, FUCKGOATS, an excellent Arithmetic library, FFA (which hopefully will replace OpenSSL in therealbitcoin at some juncture.) and too many other treasures to list in this post. You don't have to take my word for it however, simply visit and read the cornucopia of goodies within - It's quite easy to spend an entire afternoon reading one post after the next.
I for one am happy asciilifeform has finally uncoupled himself from the capricious Caesar and look forward to see what other indestructible tanks roll out of the loper workshop in the future. As part of my own personal renaissance, I hope I can put some of these excellent tools to use should The Bitcoin Foundation survive this brouhaha.1
More will be published on the continuing saga of TMSR as events unfold. Stay tuned folks!
Shinohai's Saturday Shitcoin Selections 5
From around teh interwebz:
A LBGTBBQ rights cucks the clucks and sends Chick-fil-A packing in Reading, England. Their crimes include not selling chicken on Sunday and a notable absence of filthy faggot fry-cooks in their kitchens. (archived)
Pizarro ISP continues to wrap up operations, after a sparrow fart and a match brought operations to a screeching halt earlier this month. Management responded to the incident by simply null routing Pizarro ipspace and showing affected users pretty charts, hoping no one would notice their incompetence under fire. Electronic keys were revoked in a desperate move to keep the gringo monies in their cache, but apparently it's ok to sue now, this one time. A smattering of mp-turdpress tmsr blogs have resumed operations, though Eulora homepage was still down at the time of writing, leaving fans of auctionbot spam in #eulora irc to find a new log source.
A backdoored version of the Tor browser was used to steal Bitcoin from darknet market users.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, TMSR, Lulz
Persistent Packeting Problems Plague Pizarro
An apparent DDoS attack on Pizarro ISP has left the TMSR without a portion of it's infrastructure. Affected services include Qntra, nosuchlabs, Eulora, and several blogs and logbots. The solution will likely be an amalgamation of more pythonshit and berating Republican vassals, so that services aren't brought down by a bash script while learning the finer points of systems administration ever again.
Tags: News, Insecurity, Lulz, TMSR
Yet another Zcash bug
Zcash is urging it's userbase to immediately upgrade their wallets and node software to apply an "important security fix". A bulletin issued by the developers released no details, but stated:
"Version 2.0.7-3 of Zcashd includes an important security fix in response to an issue that was reported to us on Friday September 13th 2019 by Florian Tramèr, Dan Boneh, and Kenneth G. Paterson. Users should upgrade their nodes to this version immediately and discontinue use of older versions. Please note that the issue does not put funds at risk of theft or counterfeiting. More details of the issue will be released in coordination with the reporters of the issue at a future date."
This latest undisclosed issue is the second reported flaw in Zcash this year alone, the first being a bug that was found that allowed one to print unlimited monies which the developers kept secret for 8 months.
UPDATE: The bug was disclosed by KMD developer Duke Leto, who stated:
“A bug has existed for all shielded addresses since the inception of Zcash and Zcash Protocol. It is present in all Zcash source code forks. It is possible to find the IP address of full nodes who own a shielded address (zaddr). That is, Alice giving Bob a zaddr to be paid, could actually allow Bob to discover Alice’s IP address. This is drastically against the design of Zcash Protocol.”
Tags: News, Cryptocurrency, Insecurity, Lulz
soopy452000, an indictment
Sometime around the exit of Bryce Weiner, the Unobtanium project acquired a new "developer" who goes by the moniker of soopy452000. Let's examine a few alarm bells on why you shouldn't let this guy anywhere near you coin, or anything to do with mission-critical code for that matter, and put this conversation to bed.
Love 'em and leave 'em. Señor soopy has a reputation of inserting himself into cryptocoin communities, making questionable code changes, and absconding with funds. Good 'ol Bitcointalk registers a complaint from a user who testifies he sold 3 billion Beecoin for LTC, left the community hanging, and moved on to Navcoin. (archived)
anotherlateminer: "Read 2 pages from here: BEEs have been sold in order to be used for development and there are still no signs of any development. LTC are just gone."
Telegram chats have provided a few gems as well:
A kind stranger comes to the main channel to warn what UNO might be getting into. (archived)

It didn't take long for teh lulz to manifest:

Readers of this blog already know about the war on cryptography from various "nation-states", and why you should be very careful of what tools you use when working with these items. Soopy exhibits very amateur behavior when dealing with such, from generating keys using keybase.io1 (archived), to posting unusable signed walls of text to Telegram chats that can't be verified.
Yes, this has predictable results, and clowns in this camp will likely come up with the same tired excuses to explain it. (archived)

Socialisms, like zooko.usg "dev subsidies" have no place in cryptocurrency. But that doesn't stop picadors trained in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka from trying to print unlimited money, and hoping no one notices, as was the case with 42coin:
"What is remarkable in the history of 42, is that until the spring of 2014 the coin supply was really capped at 42, but on March 17, 2014, the GitHub user sherlockcoin (aka soopy452000) made it unlimited. He was working under KGW implementation and no one noticed this "small change"." (archived)
So there you have it folks, and the above-stated reasons are just a few examples of why I won't be trusting any code pushed by this moron to the "official" Github2, and neither should you. But, Caveat Emptor, do your own research, and decide for yourself.
btcbase logs fail again
The btcbase irc log for the tmsr in #trilema has apparently left the building once more, leaving the crumbling republic with no real-time documentation of it's proceedings. Caesar Augustus hinges hopes on forum member lobbes finishing a logbot, hopefully one that doesn't put the `$` symbol in front of words every third line like it's author. Until then, it appear the channel will enter radio silence.
UPDATE: A Trilema post was made on subject, with the following at the tail of the logs:
Aug 02 08:28:52 * feedbot has quit (Write error: Connection reset by peer) Aug 02 08:34:50 * mircea_popescu removes channel operator status from deedbot Aug 02 08:34:54 * mircea_popescu removes voice from whaack Aug 02 08:34:58 * mircea_popescu removes voice from trinque Aug 02 08:35:01 * mircea_popescu removes voice from spyked Aug 02 08:35:08 * mircea_popescu removes channel operator status from scriba Aug 02 08:35:13 * mircea_popescu removes voice from scriba Aug 02 08:35:17 * mircea_popescu removes voice from phf Aug 02 08:35:20 * mircea_popescu removes voice from mod6 Aug 02 08:35:23 * mircea_popescu removes voice from Mocky Aug 02 08:35:26 * mircea_popescu removes voice from lobbes Aug 02 08:35:30 * mircea_popescu removes voice from jurov Aug 02 08:35:33 * mircea_popescu removes voice from dorion Aug 02 08:35:37 * mircea_popescu removes voice from diana_coman Aug 02 08:35:41 * mircea_popescu removes voice from danielpbarron Aug 02 08:35:44 * mircea_popescu removes voice from bvt Aug 02 08:35:48 * mircea_popescu removes voice from BingoBoingo Aug 02 08:35:51 * mircea_popescu removes voice from billymg Aug 02 08:35:55 * mircea_popescu removes voice from ave1 Aug 02 08:35:59 * mircea_popescu removes voice from auctionbot Aug 02 08:36:03 * mircea_popescu removes voice from asciilifeform Aug 02 08:36:09 * mircea_popescu removes voice from mircea_popescu Aug 02 08:36:14 * mircea_popescu removes channel operator status from mircea_popescu
Bitcoin SV scheduled fork will increase block size to 2GB
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
Canonical Shithub repositories hacked
Canonical Ltd (Ubuntu) source code repositories on Shithub were reportedly compromised this morning, complete with buttery screenshots. (archived)
No official word from Shithub or Canonical was available at the time of posting.
Tags: News, Insecurity, Lulz
Shinohai's Saturday Shitcoin Selections 4
The lulz in this story begin in a thread for the XJO cryptocuurency on bitcointalk. This guy suggests you can "run an entire 'DNM' on the XJO blockchain" and links to a javascript page (archived) that will happily eat your private keyz and encrypt and decrypt thingz for you!
Why this is incredibly stupid:
- should be all you need to know, but you can also google search it if you wish.
- No mention is made of airgap setups, and the site is connected to the internet when performing crypto functions.
- No mention made of layering (see above), and why you should be using 4096-bit or higher rsa keys for any comms, period.
- Cost of 51% attacks and other lulz would be near nothing for interested 3-letter agencies.
- Point #1 is honestly enough to end this discussion.
"But it's so luser friendly, everyone can do it!"
There is no scenario that exists, or shall ever exist, where "paste your key here" ever becomes proper handling of cryptographic keys, and certainly not in situations that require proper OPSEC and associated sanitation procedures. This is seriously the most retarded post I've read all year, and tardstalk produces some very brain-damaged threads.
TL;DR OP is an utter moron and you should seek advice elsewhere if you use crypto in any high-risk situations.
Tags: News, Cryptocurrency, Insecurity, Lulz
SKS Keyserver Network Under Attack
via Shithub.
"At present I (speaking only for myself) do not believe the global keyserver network is salvageable. High-risk users should stop using the keyserver network immediately."
Update: Bonus lulz from phuctor.
Tags: News, Insecurity, Lulz
Facebook announces Libra
Mark Zuckerberg finally finds some webshits capable of badge-engineering a "cryptocurrency" to life, and calls it Libra
In ancient Rome, the Libra was equivalent to roughly 12 ounces. An inquiry to facebook offices as to whether Libra would be backed by 12 Oz of Mark Zuckerberg's shit spray-painted gold with a certificate of authenticity went unanswered.
Tags: News, Cryptocurrency, Lulz, Webshit
Hoaxtoshi rekt by VERified address signature
Roger Ver gives us our morning dose of lulz with this reply over the wire to hoaxtoshi's claims:
gentoo ~/devel/bitcoin/bin/ # ./bitcoin-cli verifymessage \ 16cou7Ht6WjTzuFyDBnht9hmvXytg6XdVT \ G39S6i4XsfQnixN5ePMjVPboWvGXdnW8xFFAXiwEriZFCclflbD7umP58u3Sl+dvvXC5BxBrRNkTMNf92O1UIXw= \ "Address 16cou7Ht6WjTzuFyDBnht9hmvXytg6XdVT does not belong to Satoshi or to Craig Wright. Craig is a liar and a fraud." true
Hoaxtoshi and Calvin Ayre will likely publish a Coingeek article disputing the claims. Popcorn is on sale in the lobby all this weekend and next week.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
Binance Chief suggests bitcoin block reorg to undo hack
Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao actually suggested mimicking mEthereum and performing a block reorg to enable his exchange to recover from a 7`000 BTC SFYL earlier this month. Mr. Zhao apparently forgot that Bitcoin is immutable and many came out to mock his McAfee-level stupid suggestions. Blockstream CEO Adam Back was quoted as saying:
"You just have to accept that Bitcoin is final because a whole bunch of factors which we can get into, but it’s basically, you know, all of the infrastructure is set up to automatically just continue consuming and finalizing transactions. And there’s a lot of inertia and equipment that’s just running away, mining transactions, so it’s very hard. The software is not designed to undo things. The infrastructure isn’t designed to undo it. And there’s all kinds of side-effects if you did. And the side-effects are both technical and economic. "In game theory, if you can undo something, the attacker can do other things. And people who disagree with the reorg can do other things. People are very incentivized to see it not happen because they’ve seen other coins have this happen and suffer a great loss of credibility as a result. And there are also geopolitical issues that, you know, you would establish a precedent that would erode one of the major benefits of Bitcoin, being censorship-resistance, which ties back to this kind of finality of the network."
#btcinfo extends condolences to Binance and Mr. Zhao, and are so very sorry for your loss.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz, Webshit
Cryptopia exchange makes exit scam official
New Zealand based cryptocurrency exchange Cryptopia is closing up shop and beginning "liquidation proceedings" a.k.a. SFYL. Trading is suspended (again!) and the website contains only a press release this morning, which reads:
15/05/2019 David Ruscoe and Russell Moore from Grant Thornton New Zealand were yesterday appointed liquidators of Cryptopia Despite the efforts of management to reduce cost and return the business to profitability, it was decided the appointment of liquidators was, in the best interests of customers, staff and other stakeholders. The liquidators are focused on securing the assets for the benefit of all stakeholders. While this process and investigations take place, trading on the exchange is suspended. "Given the complexities involved we expect the investigation to take months rather than weeks." The liquidators are also working with independent experts and the relevant authorities with regards to the company’s obligations. Grant Thornton will be contacting all customers and suppliers about its appointment in the next few days. Further enquiries, please email
The final tally of the SFYL from this long-running shitcoin trade hub will be reported in a later post.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz, Webshit
mEthereum mods resign reddit posts
A bunch of eth-huffing redditards decide to ragequit. The sound of table flipping makes it to coindesk.
Tags: News, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
Docker gentoo env recipe
This page is just a note on reliable ways to get a working gentoo environment using Dockerfiles. Useful mainly for making decent working shell that you don't care about for testing things. :)
The recipe can also easily be modified to use own stage3 and not be reliant on dockerhub, though abuse of the autobuild scripts sometimes spawns a shellbot over irc.
docker pull btcinfo/stage3-gentoo-amd64 docker run -it btcinfo/stage3-gentoo-amd64
This gives you a root shell
37b0f185b13d ~ #
Populate the portage tree with the latest official portage snapshot, or use your own archived snapshot.
cd usr/ wget -c tar xvf portage-latest.tar.xz
You can now emerge the packages you need and build from sources. Do what thou will.
Official Alpine Linux Docker image found to allow NULL password for root users
Docker woes continue as security researchers discover that all "Official images" of Alpine linux (since v3.3) allow NULL passwords for the root user. This event, along with Docker Hub being hacked serve as a wonderful reminder of only running code from trusted sources and personal libraries.
Tags: News, Insecurity, Lulz, UNIX
Amazon opens shitcoin service to public
Need your own shitcoin? AWS now has you covered with the announcement that they will open their "Managed-blockchain-as-a-service" for public consumption.
Amazon Managed Blockchain at AWS General Manager and former Microsoft Tech Support worker Rahul Pathak had this to say:
“Customers want to use blockchain frameworks like Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum1 to create blockchain networks so they can conduct business quickly, with an immutable record of transactions, but without the need for a centralized authority.2"
Support for Hyperledger is available now, with flaming-tire-in-a-shitpit Ethereum to be launched in coming months, allowing AWS customers to choose the shitcoin service they want to facilitate flushing their money down the toilet.
TMSR logs domain btcbase down for 3 days and counting
Oh the mighty Republic. You know, that place far superior to yours truly1 and everyone else, that will conquer the US gubmint and similar entities? No?
Unlike Jesus Christ, who was alleged to have risen from the grave after 3 days, has been down for 72 hours as of the time of this post. No worries, really, as this site shows last working i.p. address of the domain as which can handily be added to your `/etc/hosts` file for normal operation. Future references to btcbase logs in this blog will simply be archived to avoid the issue.
The outage is just yet in another of the performance anomalies predicted back in January. Expect TMSR to back-burner a few of the current bikesheds being worked on to bikeshed dns for a while in coming weeks.
Principality of Sealand offers safe haven to seastead couple.
The Principality of Sealand has extended an offer of safe haven to Chad Elwartowski & Nadia Supranee Thepdet, who are accused of violating Thai sovereignty and face either life imprisonment or death if captured. The pair set up a small structure 14 nautical miles off Thailand's coast, and billed the floating home the "world's first seastead" in a facebook post dated April 13th. The couple fled prior to a Royal Thai Navy task force raid, and are believed to be in hiding on the mainland now according to police.
Sealand said further in their statement:
Such a draconian reaction from a national government serves as a stark reminder:why it is important to challenge the status quo. We hope for a swift & peaceful resolution to the situation, & are ready to help in whatever way possible.
Updates to this post will be made if and when they become available
Microsoft "discovers" remote device management backdoor in Huawei laptops
The backdoors discovered in the device drivers were in no way a part of a Chinese government plot to spy on Westerners, and Huawei say it will take "legal action" for "misleading reports" in the media. (archived)
Building Unobtanium on Docker
This docker recipe has so far proved a stable way to get repeatable results when building Unobtanium binaries for 64-bit Linux and Windows. I am mainly making this post to reference the steps I took, as the method is applicable to most coins.
Download my unobtanium-devenv and untar it.
curl | tar zxvf -
Enter devenv and build the docker image
cd unobtanium-devenv/ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f unobtanium/ build
Go have a coffee and smoke while the container builds.
When that build finishes, start the container.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f unobtanium/ up -d
Find your container id and connect (as root)
docker container ls --all
docker exec -u root -t -i <container-id> /bin/bash
From the docker shell, go clone my Unobtanium repo.
git clone && cd Unobtanium/depends/
Let's do a Windows build, just for fun.
make HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32
The process of compiling the dependncies takes about 2 hours. I usually also invoke `import colombian websluts` at this point. When I return to the terminal we are ready to build the UNO qt and cli .exe's
cd ..
./configure --prefix="$PWD/depends/x86_64-w64-mingw32/"
Kill another hour drinking coffee, smoking, and looking at cats on internet.
mkdir -p bin
cp src/*.exe bin/
cp src/qt/unobtanium-qt.exe bin/
Enjoy your shiny new Windows wallet. Repeat the depends step and rebuild to produce binary for any arch you have a config for.
The x86_64 Linux version lets you do nice things, like run custom .qss so I darkened the wallet. I will post this config to the blog shortly.
Have fun, and feel free to complain about this build method on irc or telegram.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, UNIX
Happy Trannyversary
Let's take a moment to celebrate that time a transsexual camho from Telegram visited #trilema irc, posted their "tits" for 2 bitcents, and got their picture published on and no one batted an eye. Because animals are animals, whether superficially human or not, right?

Happy Trannyversary all, and may this year bring abundant lulz to all.
Mark Karpeles handed suspended sentence in Mt. Gox trial
A Japanese court found former Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpeles guilty of tampering with financial records, but elected to suspend his 2.5 year sentence and allowing him to avoid squealing like a pig in prison.
Bloomberg reported that Karpeles viewed his treatment by Japanese authorities as unfair, instead of thanking them for helping him shed some much needed weight:
Karpeles has said he was interrogated for months without a lawyer and bullied into signing a confession, a "nightmare" process during which he lost 77 pounds over 11 months.
The government of the U.S. still blames Russian national and former btc-e exchange operator Alexander Vinnik for laundering the stolen funds from Mt. Gox and is attempting to extradite him to America to face charges. (archived)
BlockCypher reveals mETHereum hard fork lulz
tl;dr: BlockCypher decides to continue to offer support for Ethereum despite services being non-operational for almost a month following the recent "upgrades" to the network.
After examining every which way we could think of to add the Trie state to our Ethereum state, we asked Vitalik for assistance. His first comment to us was "oh you’re one of the few running one of those big, scary nodes." We asked him if he knew of anyone else running a "big, scary node" to see if we could possibly sync with them. He knew of no one, not even the Ethereum Foundation keeps a full archival copy of the Ethereum chain.(Emphasis added) We were back to square 1: starting the Full sync again, this time including the Trie state.
This led to stunning results:
"Lesson Learned #3: In the event of a chain re-organization, we may be the only ones to know the entire history of Ethereum transactions."
This seems to mark a developing trend of aversions to a "foundation" model though running big, scary nodes will always remain the only method to ensure a complete and accurate history of the blockchain.
You can read the entire shitty medium post discussing these lulz here if you're so inclined.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz, Webshit
Weechat logs to html
weechat-log-to-html is a Haskell script that converts weechat logs to no-nonsense html. This addition to the /library/ is part of this years goal to excise as much pythonshit as possible from everything I use on a regular basis. Individuals that have Bitlbee hooked up to their weechat will be pleased to know that this script also beautifully parses things such as telegram or discord logs, for which no suitable logger (at least not one written in the aforementioned pythonshit or nodejs) can be found.
To use:
Compile the script using `ghc` - I used version 8.0.2 with good results. Then simply run something like the following:
./weechat-log-to-html < (weechatlog) > output.html
Example output:
Once verified that it works for you, you can simply add the script to a cronjob to monitor the irc channels and other chats you wish to log.
Thailand SEC bans Bcash, other altcoins
Thailand's equivalent of the SEC announced it would be prohibiting the exchange of BCH (Btrash) and a handful of other cryptocurrencies in order to "protect its citizens" from fraud. The r/btc lemming force is expected to coordinate hundreds of posts later in the week denouncing all things Thai, which likely will stay confined to the reddit corral now that twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said he would not add Btrash as on option on Square payments or twitter. (archived)
Coinomi wallet sends user passwords in plaintext over Google API
Today's Lulz come courtesy of "Bitcoin Wallet" Coinomi, which handily sent user passwords over Google spell check in plain text using their Webshit framework. btcinfo sends condolonces to affected "users" and is very SFYL. (archived)
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Lulz, Webshit
Fiat users can now get pegged with JPM Coin
US Based JP Morgan Bank launches its own USD pegged "cryptocurrency" to the public. SFYL induced peggings expected to be reported in future posts. (archived)
Tags: News, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
BSV found to host CP
Fork of a fork of BTC BitcoinSV's recent increase in the OP_RETURN data size has led to unknown individuals using it to store child pornography images on the BSV chain. The images were placed into tx's using Ryan X. Charles "Money Button" service, which makes it easy to embed data into transactions. Unlike the links to CP discovered in the actual Bitcoin blockchain, the "Bigger Blocks" allow for full images to be stored immutably on their blokechain and will likely be heralded as BSV and nChain's "Killer App". (archived)
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
NEM cryptocurrency foundation "nearly broke"
Cryptocurrency NEM (XEM) announced it is "nearly broke" after blowing through 80 Million NEM tokens (valued at ~$4 Million USD at time of writing) in just a little over a year, which was used to advertise vaporware. Layoffs and restructuring are in the works in an attempt to save the organization, according to newly elected foundation president Alex Tinsman, and the group is begging the community for double the amount of tokens (160 XEM, ~7 Million USD) to avoid imminent doom. Ms. Tinsman promised that none of the funds would be used for marketing, though she believes scummy affiliate marketing tactics can help monetize the foundation and avoid future bailout requests. The foundation currently consists of around 200 members who pay an annual $50 fee and must dox themselves in order to vote. (archived)
Tags: News, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
CoinBr announces suspension of online services
The operator of the MPEx brokerage service CoinBr, jurov, announced in a blog post this morning that the service would be shuttering its online operations for the foreseeable future. Lack of interest and 0 usage in the past year were cited as reasons for the change, unsurprising considering the general poor performance of TMSR enterprises during that time period. Captain obvious makes an appearance later in the #trilema logs declaring that hand-cranked processes are superior to automated ones, also unsurprising when proffered services aren't being used.
McAfee flees U.S. after tax fraud allegations
John McAfee announced earlier this week that the U.S. Internal Revenue Service is allegedly charging him with felony tax evasion for 8 years non-payment of taxes, and that he will be "running his Presidential campaign from exile on a vessel dubbed "The Freedom Boat".

McAfee assured his followers on twitter that he would be releasing videos every day as long as the exile lasts, which leads the author to the conclusion that ample supplies of tinned penis, Xanax, and electronic equipment were provisioned in the freedom boat's hold before casting off. (archived)
Tags: News, Cryptocurrency, Insecurity, Lulz
TRB Keccak regrind - test results and notes
I had originally intended this to be a better version of the build instructions I mirrored from the foundation website, but decided to wait for the regrind before making a post, since the foundation planned on updating everything anyway. A few days later mod6 published a blog post detailing the steps he took to update the trb vtree from SHA512 to Keccak vpatches, so that is what will be covered in this post. What I did was, I went through all the similar steps just as in mod6's post, and I created my own keccak trb vtree, just as mod6 did. I then was able to confirm that my keccak trb vtree and his keccak trb tree are a mechanical match. I also did a diff of my keccak trb vtree against the original SHA512 vpatches, and we can see that only difference is the removal of the UTF8 character from genesis.vpatch.
You will need all of the dependencies listed on the bitcoin foundation website in the "how-to" section. A modified version of mod6's `` (that produces Keccak hashes) and a few other tools are also needed: these can be obtained from diana_coman's website. I no longer use nor support any other flavor of Linux besides Gentoo for any projects discussed on this site , so users of other distros will be required to do their own research to make all this work. I am using a Cuntoo chroot here, and for the sake of thoroughness, here is a list of the exact versions of the dependencies I used:
* sys-devel/bc 1.06.95-r2 * sys-devel/gcc 4.9.4 * app-crypt/gnupg 1.4.10 * net-misc/wget 1.19.5 * net-misc/curl 7.61.1 * dev-lang/perl 5.24.3-r1 * sys-devel/patch 2.7.6-r2 * net-misc/rsync 3.1.3 * sys-apps/coreutils 8.29-r1 * app-arch/unzip 6.0_p21-r2 * app-arch/bzip2 1.0.6-r10 * app-arch/cpio 2.12-r1
A working Ada setup is required to build and the tools from diana-coman's starter pack. mod6 also wrote a handy and very detailed guide to doing this here. Since I am using a clean chroot to perform all these steps, I needed to install a new copy of Adacore, so I proceeded to grab a copy of the gnat-gpl-2016-x86_64 version from the AdaCore website here, though for some reason the page 404'd at the time I was doing these tests. Fortunately diana_coman also has this preserved on her website here for those that might need it in the future.
Once that was installed, I checked to ensure it was, in fact, the proper version:
Perfect! Building the starter pack is very painless and took less than a minute for me.
Now I moved on to the actual regrind by setting up the suggested sandbox and moving down the list of steps in mod6's blog post. This also went quite painlessly, my only snafu being I forgot to add back a hyphen "-" for the utf-8 char removed from line 118 of util.h, which caused a byte mismatch later in the process. Once that was done, I had no other problems with the process and was ready to test using mod6's experimental patchset and seals which he handily provides here, along with the signature for same. This part requires one follow the `OFFLINE` build steps from the foundation website, so it will be necessary to download the dependencies from deedbot if you don't have a copy stored somewhere already. I put all the links inside a bash script, intentionally leaving off the -sSL flags so I could observe their download progress.
cd deps/ cat ><<EOF curl > rotor.tar.gz.asc curl > rotor-db-configure-fix.patch.asc curl > boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2.asc curl > buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz.asc curl > db-4.8.30.tar.gz.asc curl > openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz.asc curl > binutils-2.24.tar.bz2.asc curl > busybox-1.23.2.tar.bz2.asc curl > expat-2.1.0.tar.gz.asc curl > fakeroot_1.18.4.orig.tar.bz2.asc curl > gcc-4.9.2.tar.bz2.asc curl > gdb-7.8.2.tar.xz.asc curl > gmp-6.0.0a.tar.xz.asc curl > linux-3.18.14.tar.xz.asc curl > m4-1.4.17.tar.xz.asc curl> mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz.asc curl> mpfr-3.1.2.tar.xz.asc curl> musl-1.1.8.tar.gz.asc curl> ncurses-5.9.tar.gz.asc curl> pkgconf-0.8.9.tar.bz2.asc EOF chmod +x ./
After enjoying un cafecito, the dependencies were finished downloading, so I deleted the script and changed back to the bitcoin directory. A simple `make` completes the process. I encountered no hiccups, and roughly a half hour or so later had a nice shiny bitcoind produced using and the keccak patchset only.
In the interests of science, and to ensure repeatable results I went a step further and redid all the regrind steps in a fresh sandbox, and signed a copy of all the patches with my gpg key. Before performing a press I put mod6's copy of the patches in a directory `a` and mine in a directory `b` and ran `diff -uNr a b` against them to ensure they matched, which they did. This build also went fine with no errors, and output a 4.7M to bin/. Now let's test it:
In conclusion, this work represents an outstanding effort on the part of mod6 to ensure trb remains unmolested in the future. I have uploaded my copies of the resulting patches and the corresponding seals here for those that wish to compare them with their own during testing.
mETH upgrade delayed due to vulnerability.
Tags: News, Cryptocurrency, Lulz, SFYL
mETH Classic 51% front for exchange theft
The 51% on the ETC network reported earlier this week appears to have been orchestrated by enterprising individuals who managed to rewrite tx history and make off with $220K USD worth of ETC from shitcoin exchange (archived)
The exchange reported that the SFYL occured between 0:40 Jan.7, 2019 and Jan 4:20 Jan.7, 2019 UTC and lasted a mere 4 hours.
"All the transactions were confirmed normally on the ETC blockchain and became invalid after the blockchain rollback."
US based exchange Conbase also reported a "$1 Million USD loss" of ETC using the same methods during the attack window. announced it would be absorbing the cost of the SFYL for it's customers.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, SFYL, Lulz
Building the Eulora client with Gentoo
Having gotten trinque's excellent Cuntoo bootstrap working on a few different machines, I decided I'd try building a Eulora client with it. This post is to document the steps I followed to get to a working state, as the instructions on the minigame website are outdated and contain dead links.
In this guide, I am using gcc 4.9.4 - I'm pretty sure this is a hard requirement. Crystalspace for whatever reason requires you have the nvidia-cg-toolkit installed even if you use an ATI card, so go ahead and get that via portage:
emerge -av nvidia-cg-toolkit
I have a ~/devel directory already from building trb, so I'll start there and make a eulora directory beside it:
mkdir -p eulora/ && cd $_
Grab cal3d, crystalspace, and the Eulora client files from the minigame site:
wget wget curl > eulora-v0.1.2b.tar.gz
Untar that shit.
tar -zxvf cal3d.tar.gz tar -zxvf cs_July24.tar.gz tar -zxvf eulora-v0.1.2b.tar.gz
Navigate to cal3d/ and run the following commands to build:
autoreconf --install --force ./configure --prefix=$HOME/devel/eulora/cal3d make make install
Tell other programs where to find the cal3d things we just built:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/devel/eulora/cal3d/src/cal3d/.libs/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Go back to ~/devel/eulora/ and enter the cs-forupload folder:
cd ../cs-forupload/
To build crystalspace I had to adjust the configure step to avoid anything bullet related, or the jam build step will barf. Use the following commands:
./configure \ --without-java \ --without-perl \ --without-python \ --without-3ds \ --without-bullet \ --with-cal3d=/$HOME/devel/eulora/cal3d jam -aq libs plugins cs-config walktest
Export the crystalspace environment variable:
export CRYSTAL=$HOME/devel/eulora/cs-forupload
Finally, go back to ~/devel/eulora/ and enter the EuloraV0.1.2 folder ...
cd ../EuloraV0.1.2/
...and build the client:
./ ./configure \ --with-cal3d=$HOME/devel/eulora/cal3d \ --with-cs-prefix=$CRYSTAL \ --without-mysqlclient \ --without-sqlite3 \ --without-pq \ --without-hunspell jam -aq client
Eulora servers got a new home in 2018, so we must edit the server ip in data/servers.xml:
sed -i 's/' data/servers.xml
Now, to avoid having to manually enter the environment variables each time we want to play, we will create a shell script containing those and make it executable:
cat ><<EOF export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/devel/eulora/cal3d/src/cal3d/ \ .libs:$HOME/devel/eulora/cs-forupload/:"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export CRYSTAL=$HOME/devel/eulora/cs-forupload ./euclient EOF chmod + ./
It was night in Eulora when I finished, so I only took a single screenshot of client startup. More to come as I test further.

May your journey be prosperous ....
ShapeShaft: One third of shitcoin exchange workforce slashed
According to Voorhees:
ShapeShift diversified its product line too early and in too many verticals, resulting in financial, legal, and time costs.
Translation: "We added support for just about every shitcoin imaginable and are surprised at the result."
We had customer issues. Business was declining from both aggregate market recession and increased competition. Our imposition of KYC?d accounts, themselves the result of trying to be cautious in a challenging regulatory environment, caused many of our most valuable API partners to leave us for competitors who have not perceived regulatory risks in the same way. We expected it, but still, it stung both financially and psychologically.
Translation: "We decided to capitulate to fiat demands and are surprised at the result."
2018 marked a rough year. While this new one starts upon some painful reorganization, we?re encouraged and hopeful for 2019.
Translation: "We lost so much money in 2018 we had to fire people but are still hopeful that *someone* out there that will continue to buy our shitcoin bags in 2019."
...and so on.
Headlines such as these have been trending lately, likely Festivus miracles that began with similar announcements by Coinbase, Steemit, Bitmain, and others. Other manifestations of miracles were reported by Qntra this month, where it was noted that mETH addicts were experiencing a chain reorganization with predictable results.
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Lulz
ETC reports possible attack
A carbon copy of mETHereum undergoes a suspected 51% attack after several deep block reorgs. Naturally nothing of value was lost or ever at stake.
Tags: News, Cryptocurrency, SFYL
Ledger adds bluetooth SFYL device to stable.
Deciding that not enough cracks are visible in their wallet design, Ledger announced a new device called "LedgerX" that eminently hackable bluetooth support, which will handily announce your candidacy for SFYL to anyone within 10-20 meters. The company already entered the New Year as a loss leader after the team reviewed the device and determining it to be covered in webshit.
A Decade of Bitcoin
On this date ten years ago the Bitcoin genesis block was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto. Despite repeated attempts to sabotage the project from within and without, the network continues to grow and blocks steadily mined.

Here's to ten more years of sovereignty ..... cheers!
Bitmain terminates 50% of remaining workforce.
Rumors swirling on "executive social media" site LinkedIn hint that mining conglomerate Bitmain is slashing the size of it's workforce by 50%, most of the affected employees being part of a BTrash wallet development team calling itself "Copernicus". The company famously concentrated a large amount of resources towards supporting Roger Ver and mining the Bcash fork of Bitcoin, and are now experiencing the SFYL that naturally occurs when people chase scamcoins. (archived)
Tags: News, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Scams
Handheld game roms
While searching for the Basic games collection the other day, I stumbled upon a forgotten archive containing roms for a bunch of old handheld electronic games from the 70's and 80's. If you had any of the games on the list below, your childhood was likely pretty awesum. I have used MESS to run these, but feel free to try on other platforms (as I did not include any MESS-specific xml files with this archive).

List of games contained in archive:
ROM NAME: GAME: --------------------------------------------------------------- advision "Adventure Vision" alnattck "Alien Attack" alnchase "Alien Chase" amaztron "Amaze-A-Tron" astro "Astro" astrocmd "Astro Command" bambball "Dribble Away Basketball" bankshot "Bank Shot - Electronic Pool" bcclimbr "Crazy Climber (Bandai)" bdoramon "Dokodemo Dorayaki Doraemon" bfriskyt "Frisky Tom (Bandai)" bmboxing "Knock-Em Out Boxing" bmsafari "Safari (Bambino)" bmsoccer "Kick The Goal Soccer" cdkong "Donkey Kong (Coleco)" cgalaxn "Galaxian (Coleco)" cmspacmn "Ms. Pac-Man (Coleco)" comp4 "Comp IV" cpacman "Pac-Man (Coleco, Rev. 29)" cpacmanr1 "Pac-Man (Coleco, Rev. 28)" ebball "Electronic Baseball (Entex)" ebball2 "Electronic Baseball 2 (Entex)" ebball3 "Electronic Baseball 3 (Entex)" edracula "Dracula (Epoch)" efball "Electronic Football (Epoch)" egalaxn2 "Galaxian 2 (Entex)" einvader "Space Invader (Entex, TMS1100)" epacman2 "Pac Man 2 (Entex)" galaxy2 "Galaxy II" gckong "Crazy Kong (Gakken)" gdigdug "Dig Dug (Gakken)" ghalien "Heiankyo Alien (Gakken)" gjackpot "Jackpot: Gin Rummy & Black Jack" gpoker "Poker (Gakken, 1979 version)" h2hbaseb "Head to Head Baseball" h2hfootb "Head to Head Football" invspace "Invader From Space" kingman "Kingman" machiman "Machine Man" maniac "Maniac" mathmagi "Mathemagician" merlin "Merlin - The Electronic Wizard" microvsn "MicroVision" mmerlin "Master Merlin" msthawk "Star Hawk (Mattel)" mvbfree "Mini-Vid Break Free" mwcbaseb "World Championship Baseball" packmon "Packri Monster" pbqbert "Q*Bert (Parker Brothers)" raisedvl "Raise The Devil" simon "Simon (Rev. A)" splasfgt "Space Laser Fight" splitsec "Split Second" ssfball "Superstar Football" ssimon "Super Simon" starwbc "Star Wars - Electronic Battle Command" starwbcp "Star Wars - Electronic Battle Command (prototype)" tandy12 "Tandy-12: Computerized Arcade" tc4 "Total Control 4" tcaveman "Caveman (Tomy)" tccombat "Cosmic Combat" tmpacman "Pac Man (Tomy)" tmscramb "Scramble (Tomy)" tmtennis "Tennis (Tomy)" tmtron "Tron (Tomy)" ufombs "UFO Master-Blaster Station" vinvader "Invaders (VTech)" wildfire "Wildfire (prototype)" zackman "Zackman" |